davide là gì - Nghĩa của từ davide

davide có nghĩa là

David is the greatest man you’ll ever have the privilege to know. He is the epitome of a gentleman and he is the most charismatic person you’ll ever meet. A David has a big heart and he is very compassionate. He loves animals [especially ducks]. David is sometimes shy and he is very adorable when he blushes. If you’ve found yourself a David, you better CUFF him while you can. David has many women vying for his attention but he is very very loyal. Davids have so much potential and ambition. David’s intellect is unmatched. Davids will create great lives for themselves and their families. David will make the best husband and he will never let you down. He will also make a great father and he will do anything for his children. David has the most wonderful energy that is contagious to others. He makes people smile very easily and he has the purest of souls. A David is very attractive and VERY good in bed. He will always listen to your desires and needs. A David always pleases his partners. He is a gorgeous human being. David should always be cherished and loved. David deserves the world.


Person 1: “Daaaaang you’re talking to David?” Person 2: “YES, I want to date him! He’s so amazing.”

davide có nghĩa là

David is someone who will never let you down. They empower others by simply being themselves. David is wise and kind and gives all that he can to what he believes in most. With one look, he knows what's on your heart and how to give you what you need to feel supported and loved as you process what you're feeling. David will give all of himself to his passions and goals. He gives so much of himself to others, I hope he remembers to give to himself too. His heart is a beat to keep time to. David's very presence grounds everyone around him and reminds them why they're here. He grants you the clarity, through few and highly impactful words, to see yourself and whatever situation you're facing more clearly than you did before. David sees through the bullshit and seeks the real. He seeks the truth. There is no one I would rather have on my team than him. He brings a light to the world that cannot be found in anyone else. You'll find yourself grateful for every moment spent with him. He will light up your whole world. He will become everything you've ever looked for or sought after. It might take you a long time to see it and realize it, but when you do, you'll never be the same.


Person: Where does your soul travel to at night when you sleep?
Me: With him. With David.

davide có nghĩa là

David is outgoing, loving , and an amazing person overall. he is the fuuniest person i know and the most kind hearted. he is an amazing friend/boyfriend ever. he might not always respond but hes worth it so if you got one, keep em.


"yep that Davids mine ."

davide có nghĩa là

very sexy and hot and more sexy and intelligent smart..and heapsmoresexy.
people who thinks he's not generally are jealous


Girl#1:wow he's sexy
Girl#2: yer must be a davide

davide có nghĩa là

david it |DEY-vid it| verb, david'd, daviding, david
-verb [used with subject]
1. The process in which one floors a manual car before, during, or after a stop for no apparent reason; knowingly that people are observant of his actions and that there is a stop straight ahead, and is driving with 0% efficiency by obtaining poor miles per gallon.
2. When one drives a 99' Honda Civic EX and plays loud techo/trance music for no apparent reason with windows rolled all the way down; trying to look cool in front of ones friends, but in actuality, one is embarrassing not only himself, but those who are also present in the same vehicle.
3. To drive the entire day and nothing else because everything else is requires too much effort; a taxi driver; a loner; a basement liver; selfish being; meaningless being; anti-social; a pushover; a failure in life; a leecher; unreliable.
4. Trying to bamboozle ones money to buy ANYTHING [sweets in particular; for example, MOCHI, a Japanese delight], but fails miserably.


1. David, stop daviding it, there is a stop sign right there correct? Why are you using my car and flooring it like it's yours and wasting my gas?
2. You do realize that you just david'd us right? Because the car that just past by was laughing at us because of your loud ridiculous music that none of us likes besides you.
3. Person A: So what are you doing today?
Person B: I'm feeling a bit down, I guess I'll just david it today...
Person A: Alright bro, call me when you're ready to ACTUALLY do something.
4. Person 1: Can you BUY a box of mochi for me?
Person 2: Are you going to pay me back?
Person 1: ehh…
Person 2: Then no, don't david me, I'm not buying it for your broke ass.

davide có nghĩa là

Commonly known as a repulsive Italian ranga with a freakish amount of body hair in places where hair is not meant to be. similar to that of a orangutang found in any zoo. Obviously this davide has never heard of deoderant and thinks he is such a great "ladies man" and soccer player when in fact he is neither. And probably has never heard of a razor.


"oh my god i was at party last night where some davide tried to slip a roofie in my drink' i met this stranger in a public bathroom he totally reminded me of a davide. i cant believe people actually pretend to like him, he is such a typical davide.

davide có nghĩa là

He's special


David, he's special.

davide có nghĩa là

When a girl asks you to a dance or anything in front of class and all you can say is yes or you'll look like a dick


"Fuck! I got Davided by Michelle in math earlier today."

davide có nghĩa là

davide is smart and handsome,funny,but such a douche and a big fuck boy and plays with lots of girl,at times he can care about his friends and be kinda sensitive and have a good humor,he loves to play soccer, but at times he can be very rude and very disrespectful of people stuff and will make fun of people at times. but davide is nice and kind but a jerk at the same time


davide is handsome but such a fuck boy

davide có nghĩa là

David David, also know as David squared, is a very unique specimen. He has unlimited attractiveness meaning any man, women or even animal will instantaneous fall for him. He also contains an intelligence so superior to that of humans it makes Albert Einstein look like a child. In conclusion, if you see him you become a simp.


Omg look it’s David David
*orgasms and passes out*

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