Curation nghĩa là gì

Photo by Stephen Phillips - on Unsplash

"Content curation" -> nghĩa là chắt lọc, tổng hợp thông tin.

Ví dụ
Because of the huge [to lớn] choice involved, its important that people are able to access the material in the most efficient [hiệu quả] way possible. The idea of content curation is to make it easier for you or your team to find the best resources, articles and blogs on a given topic.

For CAAS, the agency will develop a social-media strategy [chiến thuật] and execution [thi hành] for CAAS Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and YouTube channels, as well as creating and maintaining an Instagram account. The scope includes content development, content curation, and community management and engagement.

Creating meaningful content is essential in B2B marketing as it can keep audiences and prospects [triển vọng] engaged [khớp với nhau], but what further creates trust is when that content is purely yours. There is content writing, and then there is content curation and content aggregation[tổng hợp thông tin bằng từ khóa], so lets break down the differences.

So if thats the case, is content aggregation and content curation a bad thing? Not necessarily! Content curation can definitely be applicable [thích hợp] for content pieces such as listicles, roundups and news stories based on press releases. However, when it is an issue is when its not attributed to the original author, which would be content aggregation.

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