bunny hops là gì - Nghĩa của từ bunny hops

bunny hops có nghĩa là

To continually jump up and down in first person shooter games to avoid enemy attack in


In Battlefield 2-"You bunny hopping newb, you only killed me because you're jumping around like a pansy!"

bunny hops có nghĩa là

When someone from the gaming world [video games], likes to jump around like a crazy person while shooting. Some people even consider bunny hopping cheating, oh my.


Person 1: "MY GOD!!! Look at him he's hacking!!!"
Person 2: "No he's not hacking it's called bunny hopping..."
Person 1: "Oh right, samething ban him..."

bunny hops có nghĩa là

To make pull your bike into the air so that neither wheel is touching the ground. Used extensively in trials. Also used during mountain biking to avoid obstacles in the trail and similarly by road cyclists [with care].


I was right behind Jesse when he bunny hopped a snake. Unfortunately for the snake I didn't have enough time to avoid it.

bunny hops có nghĩa là

A technique in Half-Life [mostly CS] that involves excellent timing and coordination. You can gain tremendous speed from these hops and jump extremely far. Usually used by veteran counter-strike players because it used to come in handy to get places fast, and also get away quickly. Must use strafing, jumping, and mouse movements to bunnyhop correctly. This is considered a bug in the coding of HL. Bunny-Hopping is a very hard technique to master but doesn't work that well anymore in most Half-life Mods.


Man that guy bunnyhops so fast!

bunny hops có nghĩa là

Jumping excessilvey [usually in a video game] as to make one's self harder to hit with harmful projectiles. Spending about the same amount of time on the ground as in a mid air jump during a given period.


"nice bunny hopping n00b! You cant fight me liek a real man I gues!"

bunny hops có nghĩa là

A common glitch quake players could exploit due to poor coding, [back in the older games] that made them harder to hit, as well as allowed them to move faster. Similar glitches are strafe running, and "skiing"[Tribes games 1 and 2] These all move faster than simply walking due to either intentional or unintentional means.


Steve bunny hopped across the map. The noobs on the server were astounded by this feat of bunny hopping.

bunny hops có nghĩa là

To be high in the RPM range and rev your engine making your car lift in acceleration then drop when you let off. when repeated continually at a rapid pace it appears the car is hopping like a bunny. Females can relate this to riding a dick which makes them easier especially in a SVTF. Created by two white boys in the 'Couve, Washington. It is their move and get some every night in the back seat of the Focus together...but not with eachother duh.


Bree: Bunny hop Tyler Bunny hop I'm so pathetic it turns me on when your car does stuff cuz im 19 and dont have my license yet.
Tyler: Ok but you gotta share with my *looks around* nigga Phillipe'.
Bree: Well ok but I'll need half a beer and to let my parents know that I'll be home by 9:30 on spring break.
Tyler: Wow you're gay.
Treyvon: lets do it in the pulsar!!!!
Brii: NO...
Treyvon: But it kinda runs now I just completely rebuilt a $600 car that i WON in an auction at my skills center. Even though it was completely rebuilt the year before by 1st year auto students. Bree: Yeah I may be retarded but even I know when to say no to moldy cars.
Treyvon: I thought being black made it easier to get white girls.
Phil: Not when you're a fag that will only work at KFC for the rest of your life.
Tyler: Wow what if someone put this on Urban Dictionary that would be pretty long.
Phil: Yeah you think anybody would still be reading all the way down here.
Tyler: Only if theyre Treyvonn and have nothing else to do on a Saturday night but read retarded Urban Dictionary words that already have 2 pages of definitions.

bunny hops có nghĩa là

An exploitative tactic in many first-person shooter [FPS] video games which involves a rapid succession of jumps, hopping like a rabbit to avoid enemy fire.

It is a successful tactic mostly because these games do not often simulate the motion of human jumping very well, and it is an exploit difficult to correct from a developer's perspective without impacting other, more legitimate tactics.


'|KKK|DeportTheJew was bunny-hopping, trash-talking, and whining about cooked grenades, so I couldn't help but kick him.'

bunny hops có nghĩa là

The act of going from dude to dude at parties and get-togethers and only going as far as cuddling/closed-mouth kisses. Confuses the male/female who is being bunny-hopped, giving the impression hooking up will soon be initiated. But the bunny hoppress simply leaves...usually to get another beer or find something more interesting to do. Not as severe as a slut.


"Dude, Jessie hooked up with Sam last weekend!" "Nah man she was just bunny hopping the fuck out of that party." OR "Sophie wants my dick soo bad man." "Naaaa you just got bunny hopped."

bunny hops có nghĩa là

Bunny hopping is when someone hops when they walk. Bunny hopping looks very retarded and if you do it you will be laughed at.


Carter was bunny hopping his way into the bathroom at St. Joes

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