Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812

America’s victory at the Battle of Saratoga resulted in which of the following?

Choose one answer.

a. Washington deciding to invade Canada again
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
b. The end of the American War for Independence
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
c. Massive growth in the Continental Army
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
d. France’s entry into to war on America’s side
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812



As a result of its defeat in the French and Indian War, France did which of the following?

Choose one answer.

a. Lost its great power status
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
b. Became Britain’s ally
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
c. Lost all of its North American territory
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
d. Had to pay a huge sum for war damages
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812



As the American War for Independence moved south, it was characterized by which of the following?

Choose one answer.

a. A large number of civilian casualties
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
b. Prisoners being executed on both sides
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
c. Conventional military tactics
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
d. An unbroken string of British military victories
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812



Baron von Stueben contributed to the American war effort during the War for Independence by doing which of the following?

Choose one answer.

a. Supplying Washington with weapons
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
b. Teaching Washington military strategy
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
c. Drilling American soldiers
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
d. Donating money to the American war effort
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812



Complete the sentence. All of the following ravaged Washington’s army during the winter of 1777-1778 EXCEPT:

Choose one answer.

a. Hunger.
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
b. Cold.
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
c. British attack.
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
d. Desertion.
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812



Complete the sentence. All of the following statements are true of the American Declaration of Independence EXCEPT:

Choose one answer.

a. George Mason and John Locke contributed ideas.
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
b. Members of Congress revised the document.
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
c. It stated America’s grievances with British policies.
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
d. It secured American independence.
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812



Defeat at Yorktown during the American War for Independence led the British to do which of the following?

Choose one answer.

a. Increase recruitment efforts
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
b. End the war
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
c. Overthrow King George III
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
d. Request a “do over”
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812



During the American War for Independence, Washington discovered that which of the following was the best way to defeat the British?

Choose one answer.

a. Participating in guerilla warfare
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
b. Fighting a war of attrition
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
c. Attacking London
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
d. Allying with the Native Americans
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812



Fill in the blank. During the American War for Independence, the Marquis de Lafayette served as _________________.

Choose one answer.

a. Head cheerleader
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
b. Washington’s trusted aide
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
c. Senator from Tennessee
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
d. Propaganda Minister
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812



Fill in the blank. The turning point of the War for Independence in the South was the Battle of ________________.

Choose one answer.

a. Savannah
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
b. New Orleans
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
c. Kings Mountain
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
d. Philadelphia
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812



The American victory at Yorktown could NOT have been achieved without which of the following?

Choose one answer.

a. French economic and military assistance
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
b. Divine intervention
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
c. The British army’s incompetence
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
d. Spaceships
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812



Under the Treaty of Paris, the British acquired what Spanish territory?

Choose one answer.

a. Florida
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
b. New Orleans
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
c. Mexico
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
d. California
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812



What was the main purpose of the Tea Act of 1773?

Choose one answer.

a. To enrich Lord North’s cronies
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
b. To bail out the East India Company
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
c. To stimulate England’s home economy
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
d. To reduce tea prices in British North America
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812



Which of the following best describes a result of General Braddock’s attempt to capture Fort Duquesne?

Choose one answer.

a. A devastating ambush and defeat
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
b. A conventional European-style battle
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
c. A prolonged and successful siege
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
d. French withdrawal from the Ohio Valley
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812



Which of the following caused the French and Indian War?

Choose one answer.

a. Conflicting French and English claims to the Ohio Valley
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
b. Both sides’ desire to pull their respective economies out of depression
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
c. Louis XIV’s expansionist policies
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
d. English anger at French restrictions on trade and shipping
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812



Which of the following statements about the results of the French and Indian War is true?

Choose one answer.

a. It strengthened American nationalism.
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
b. Americans were more reliant on the British.
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
c. The British government granted Americans more control over colonial affairs.
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
d. It initiated a series of religious revivals.
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812



Which of the following statements accurately describes what happened at the Battle of Bunker Hill?

Choose one answer.

a. The British suffered major casualties.
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
b. Washington won his first military victory.
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
c. Americans discovered they could easily defeat the British.
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
d. The British refused to take prisoners.
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812



Which of the following statements is true of Britain’s victory in the French and Indian War?

Choose one answer.

a. Britain’s victory in the French and Indian War made it the greatest power in the history of the world to that point.
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
b. Britain’s victory in the French and Indian War contributed to Indian control of western lands in North America.
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
c. Britain’s victory in the French and Indian War made Spain its most formidable enemy.
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
d. Britain’s victory in the French and Indian War led to the American Revolution.
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812



Which of the following states an accurate result of Washington’s battle with the French at Fort Necessity?

Choose one answer.

a. Britain recognized France’s claims to territory west of the Appalachians.
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
b. Washington solidified his reputation as a brilliant strategist.
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
c. The British established Pittsburgh.
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
d. Washington surrendered.
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812



Of the major wars involving the European powers and their New World colonies, what was the climactic battle between Britain and France?

Choose one answer.

a. King William’s War
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
b. Queen Anne’s War
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
c. King George’s War
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
d. The French and Indian War
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812



As a result of the War of 1812, President James Madison did which of the following?

Choose one answer.

a. Won a third term
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
b. Reiterated his commitment to limited government
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
c. Recognized the value of some of the Federalists’ policies
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
d. Switched parties
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812



Britain’s 1814 invasion of America’s mid-Atlantic coast resulted in which of the following?

Choose one answer.

a. Their capture of Philadelphia
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
b. Their victory in the War of 1812
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
c. Madison’s capture and execution
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
d. The burning of Washington, D.C.
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812



Following the War of 1812, the United States did which of the following?

Choose one answer.

a. Took decisive action against the Barbary pirates
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
b. Were defeated by the Barbary pirates
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
c. Paid tribute to the Barbary pirates to avoid war
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
d. Joined a confederation with the British and French to defeat the Barbary pirates
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812



The naval battle on Lake Erie resulted in which of the following?

Choose one answer.

a. Tecumseh’s death
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
b. American annexation of Canada
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
c. The destruction of the British Navy
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
d. Commodore Perry’s celebrated victory
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812



Which of the following best describes one of the United States’ strengths during the War of 1812?

Choose one answer.

a. The country’s large standing army
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
b. An effective, battle-tested navy
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
c. Madison’s skills as a military strategist
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
d. Divine favor
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812



Which of the following statements about the War of 1812 is true?

Choose one answer.

a. The War of 1812 elevated the United States to the status of a world power.
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
b. The War of 1812 reinforced the Federalists’ power.
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
c. The War of 1812 resulted in the U.S. establishing its first colonies.
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
d. The War of 1812 generated strong American nationalism.
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812



Which of the following statements accurately describes what happened at the Battle of Tippecanoe?

Choose one answer.

a. British forces defeated a larger American force.
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
b. American forces defeated a larger British force.
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
c. William Henry Harrison was defeated by Native Americans.
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
d. The Native American hopes that their hunting lands would be protected ended.
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812



Who were the most vocal American supporters of the War of 1812?

Choose one answer.

a. New Englanders
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
b. Southerners
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
c. Farmers in Southern and Western Pennsylvania
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
d. Northerners
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812



Why did Andrew Jackson defeat the British at New Orleans?

Choose one answer.

a. Jackson occupied a strong defensive position.
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
b. The British lacked proper supplies.
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
c. The British could not cope with New Orleans’ climate.
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
d. None of the above
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812



Which of the following statements is true of Madison’s attempts to end British and French interference with America’s international trade?

Choose one answer.

a. Madison’s attempts were more effective than Jefferson’s or Adam’s attempts.
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
b. Madison’s attempts reflected his pacifism.
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
c. Madison’s attempts boosted the American economy.
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
d. Madison’s attempts led to the War of 1812.
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812



Complete the sentence. The Mexican-American War contributed to all of the following EXCEPT:

Choose one answer.

a. The strengthening of the Union.
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
b. The U.S. becoming a continental nation.
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
c. Combat experience for future Civil War generals.
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
d. The creation of the Department of the Interior.
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812



Complete the sentence. The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo resulted in all of the following EXCEPT:

Choose one answer.

a. The U.S. gaining California.
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
b. The U.S. paying Mexico $15 million.
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
c. Mexico ceding all claims to Texas.
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
d. U.S. troops continuing their occupation of Mexico.
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812



Fill in the blank. The decisive battle of the Mexican-American War was Winfield Scott’s capture of ________________.

Choose one answer.

a. Monterrey
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
b. Veracruz
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
c. Philadelphia
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
d. Mexico City
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812



The Mexican-American War erupted when which event occurred?

Choose one answer.

a. American and Mexican troops fought at the Siege of Fort Texas.
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
b. American settlers fomented a rebellion in California.
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
c. The United States recognized Texas’ independence.
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
d. James K. Polk won the 1844 U.S. presidential election.
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812



What was the major reason why Texas was NOT annexed until 1845?

Choose one answer.

a. Because of concern about Texas entering the Union as a slave state
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
b. Because of fear of a possible Mexican invasion of the United States
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
c. Because of Texans’ desire to remain an independent republic
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
d. Because of Britain’s desire to annex Texas
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812



Which of the following happened at the Battle of San Jacinto?

Choose one answer.

a. Sam Houston demonstrated his tactical brilliance.
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
b. Texans won a costly victory.
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
c. Mexico recognized Texan independence.
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
d. Santa Anna was captured.
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812



Which of the following happened at the Battle of the Alamo?

Choose one answer.

a. Texans secured their independence from Mexico.
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
b. The Mexicans won a costly victory.
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
c. Santa Anna demonstrated his tactical brilliance.
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
d. The defenders surrendered.
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812



Which of the following statements about the Mexican-American War is false?

Choose one answer.

a. It was America’s first successful offensive war.
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
b. It provided valuable experience for many future Civil War generals.
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
c. More Americans died from disease than from battle.
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
d. It was one of the most unselfish wars in history.
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812



Which of the following statements is true of the Plains Indians encountered by Americans migrating westward?

Choose one answer.

a. The Plains Indians subsisted on their crops of corn, beans, and squash.
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
b. The Plains Indians knew no warfare until the appearance of Europeans.
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
c. The Plains Indians found abundant natural resources in their native forests.
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
d. The Plains Indians were highly dependent on horses and buffalo.
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812



Who was the Indian chief who resisted federal policy in Illinois and Wisconsin?

Choose one answer.

a. Osceola
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
b. Techumseh
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
c. Hiawatha
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
d. Black Hawk
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812



Approximately, what was the death toll of the American Civil War?

Choose one answer.

a. 1,000,000 deaths
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
b. 250,000 deaths
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
c. 540,000 deaths
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
d. 630,000 deaths
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812



As a Union commander, Ulysses S. Grant was best characterized by which of the following?

Choose one answer.

a. His tactical caution
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
b. Alcoholism
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
c. His ability to inspire his troops
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
d. His plan to relentlessly attack his opponents
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812



Choose the best answer to fill in the blank. On the third day of the Battle of Gettysburg, General Pickett __________________.

Choose one answer.

a. Was repulsed with terrible losses
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
b. Broke through the Union center
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
c. Led his army to a Confederate retreat
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
d. Made a separate peace with the Union
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812



Complete the sentence. All of the following battles were Confederate victories EXCEPT:

Choose one answer.

a. Vicksburg.
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
b. First Bull Run.
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
c. Chancellorsville.
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
d. Fredericksburg.
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812



Complete the sentence. All of the following slave states remained in the Union EXCEPT:

Choose one answer.

a. Maryland.
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
b. Kentucky.
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
c. Tennessee.
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
d. Delaware.
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812



Fill in the blank. At the start of the U.S. Civil War, the Southern states _________________.

Choose one answer.

a. Attacked Washington, D.C.
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
b. Were guaranteed to lose
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
c. Were the North’s equal in manpower and economic resources
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
d. Had the advantage of fighting a defensive war
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812



Fill in the blank. At the start of the U.S. Civil War, the Northern states ____________________.

Choose one answer.

a. Generated far less farm production than the South
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
b. Had approximately the same railroad mileage as the South
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
c. Had fewer ships than the South
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
d. Had more potential power than the South
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812



Fill in the blank. Most of the Confederacy’s diplomatic efforts were aimed at _________________.

Choose one answer.

a. Britain
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
b. Egypt and India
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
c. South America
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
d. Spain
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812



Slavery was ultimately eradicated by which of the following?

Choose one answer.

a. The Emancipation Proclamation
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
b. Lee’s surrender
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
c. The Thirteenth Amendment
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
d. None of the above
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812



To deal with disloyalty, Lincoln sometimes did which of the following?

Choose one answer.

a. Had traitors shot
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
b. Postponed elections
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
c. Shut down the press
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
d. Suspended habeas corpus
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812



What was one legal option for draftees who did NOT want to serve in the military?

Choose one answer.

a. To hire a substitute
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
b. To flee the country
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
c. To feign insanity
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
d. To claim to be a pacifist
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812



What was the purpose of McClellan’s peninsular campaign?

Choose one answer.

a. To demonstrate his strategic genius
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
b. To inflict maximum casualties on the Confederates
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
c. To impress Lincoln
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
d. To capture Richmond
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812



Where did the Battle of Gettysburg take place?

Choose one answer.

a. Maryland
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
b. Georgia
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
c. Virginia
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
d. Pennsylvania
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812



Which of the following happened at the Battle of Chancellorsville?

Choose one answer.

a. The union repelled a Confederate invasion.
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
b. Lee displayed his typical caution.
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
c. Confederate General Stonewall Jackson was killed.
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
d. Black troops secured victory for the Union.
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812



Which of the following statements about the Anaconda strategy is true?

Choose one answer.

a. Anaconda strategy was General Robert E. Lee’s strategy for winning the war.
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
b. Anaconda strategy was the title of Abraham Lincoln’s inaugural speech.
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
c. Anaconda strategy was based on a quick victory in the war.
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
d. Anaconda strategy included, among other things, blockading of the Southern coast.
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812



Which of the following statements about the Battle of Antietam is false?

Choose one answer.

a. General Robert E. Lee’s secret orders were intercepted by the Union forces.
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
b. It was the bloodiest single day of the war.
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
c. McClellan vigorously pursued General Robert E. Lee’s following the latter’s retreat.
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
d. It inspired Lincoln to issue the Emancipation Proclamation.
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812



Which of the following statements about the Emancipation Proclamation is true?

Choose one answer.

a. The proclamation called upon slaves to rebel.
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
b. The proclamation was justified due to military necessity.
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
c. The proclamation hurt U.S. relations with Britain and France.
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
d. The proclamation immediately freed all the slaves in the United States.
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812



Which of the following statements about the First Battle of Bull Run, which was the first real battle of the American Civil War, is true?

Choose one answer.

a. It was fought near Washington, D.C.
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
b. It was fought at Harper’s Ferry.
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
c. It was a victory for Union forces.
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
d. It convinced both sides that the war would be quick and easy.
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812



Which of the following statements best describes the Civil War at the end of 1862?

Choose one answer.

a. Union troops had a definite edge in the East.
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
b. Confederate troops had a definite edge in the West.
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
c. Union soldiers anticipated a quick end to the war.
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
d. The war in the East was a virtual deadlock.
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812



Which of the following statements most accurately describes Civil War soldiers?

Choose one answer.

a. They were strictly volunteers.
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
b. They all fought for the same reasons.
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
c. They were sometimes drafted.
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
d. They had a very low mortality.
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812



Who was Lincoln’s major opponent in the 1864 election?

Choose one answer.

a. Charles Vallandigham
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
b. Charles Sumner
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
c. Andrew Johnson
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
d. George McClelland
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812



Who were Jefferson Davis’ most vocal political opponents?

Choose one answer.

a. Confederate generals
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
b. Slave owners
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
c. Defenders of states’ rights
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
d. Ministers
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812



Why did Lincoln initially reject emancipation?

Choose one answer.

a. To keep the border states in the United States
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
b. Because the war was going well
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
c. Because of his racism
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
d. Because he was afraid of losing the 1864 election
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812



Why did Robert E. Lee leave the U.S. army to join the Confederacy?

Choose one answer.

a. Because he hated America
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
b. Because he was offered a large signing bonus
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
c. Because he was passed over for promotion
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
d. Because he was loyal to Virginia
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812



What motivated the Confederates to bombard Fort Sumter?

Choose one answer.

a. Lincoln’s inaugural speech
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
b. Lincoln’s decision to resupply the fort
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
c. Lincoln’s invasion of Virginia
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
d. Jefferson Davis’ aggression
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812



Fill in the blank. The battleship Maine exploded off the coast of _______________.

Choose one answer.

a. Spain
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
b. France
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
c. Britain
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
d. Cuba
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812



Fill in the blank. The phrase “Speak softly and carry a big stick” is most closely associated with _______________.

Choose one answer.

a. William Jennings Bryan
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
b. Grover Cleveland
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
c. William H. Taft
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
d. Theodore Roosevelt
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812



Where was the first major victory for American forces in the Spanish-American War?

Choose one answer.

a. San Juan Hill
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
b. The Battle of the Bulge
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
c. Manila Bay
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
d. Havana
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812



Which of the following statements about the Spanish-American War is true?

Choose one answer.

a. America’s victory could be attributed to divine intervention.
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
b. More Americans died from disease than from battle.
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
c. American victory depended on economic assistance from Germany.
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
d. American victory depended on economic assistance from France.
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812



Which of the following statements about Queen Lilioukalani is true?

Choose one answer.

a. Queen Lilioukalani was forced by Americans to embrace constitutional rule for Hawaii in 1899.
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
b. Queen Lilioukalani was supported by American sugar planters living in Hawaii.
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
c. Queen Lilioukalani opposed American influence in Hawaii.
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
d. Queen Lilioukalani entered a partnership with Dole Pineapple Corporation that went wrong.
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812



Complete the sentence. All of these innovations changed warfare during World War I EXCEPT:

Choose one answer.

a. Machine guns.
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
b. Blockades land mines.
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
c. High-velocity rifles.
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
d. Nuclear weapons
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812



Complete the sentence. The Treaty of Versailles did all of the following EXCEPT:

Choose one answer.

a. Included a war guilt clause that placed all blame for World War I on Germany.
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
b. Required Germany to pay reparations.
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
c. Demilitarized the Rhineland.
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
d. Placed all the blame for World War I on the United States.
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812



Complete the sentence. Wilson’s Fourteen Points endorsed all of the following EXCEPT:

Choose one answer.

a. Freedom of the seas.
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
b. U.S. colonies in Africa and Asia.
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
c. The creation of a League of Nations.
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
d. The end of trade barriers.
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812



Fill in the blank. The turning point of World War I in France came at the Second Battle of _________________.

Choose one answer.

a. The Somme
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
b. The Marne
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
c. Vaux
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
d. Calais
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812



What form of battle is most closely associated with World War I?

Choose one answer.

a. Trench warfare
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
b. Ethnic and racial hatred
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
c. The use of airplanes
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
d. None of the above
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812



What was the function of the Zimmerman telegram?

Choose one answer.

a. It requested Mexican assistance in case of war between Germany and the United States.
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
b. It announced Germany’s return to unrestricted submarine warfare.
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
c. It requested America’s assistance with the Central Powers’ war efforts.
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
d. None of the above
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812



Which of the following is NOT associated with the major battles of World War I?

Choose one answer.

a. Verdun
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
b. The Somme
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
c. Meuse-Argonne
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
d. Omaha Beach
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812



Who was the French Prime Minister during World War I?

Choose one answer.

a. David Lloyd George
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
b. Winston Churchill
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
c. Henry Cabot Lodge
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
d. Georges Clemenceau
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812



In the presidential election of 1916, the Republicans did which of the following?

Choose one answer.

a. Nominated Theodore Roosevelt
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
b. Nominated Henry Cabot Lodge
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
c. Lost by a slim margin
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
d. None of the above
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812



At the end of World War II, what were the two most powerful nations in the world?

Choose one answer.

a. The United States and the Soviet Union
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
b. Japan and Germany
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
c. Finland and Amsterdam
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
d. Brazil and Argentina
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812



Complete the sentence. When Roosevelt and Churchill met to draft a joint war plan in early 1942, they made all of the following commitments EXCEPT:

Choose one answer.

a. An agreement not to seek a separate peace with common enemies.
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
b. A reaffirmation of the Atlantic charter.
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
c. Making a cross-channel invasion of Europe their first priority.
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
d. A joint pledge of full resources to fight the war.
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812



What country suffered the most deaths as a result of fighting during World War II?

Choose one answer.

a. The United States
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
b. Finland
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
c. The Soviet Union
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
d. Japan
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812



What does D-Day refer to?

Choose one answer.

a. The Allied invasion of Normandy
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
b. The Allied invasion of North Africa
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
c. Both A and B
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
d. None of the above
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812



Which of the following most accurately describes what occurred at the Battle of the Bulge?

Choose one answer.

a. The British repelled the German invasion from seeking to conquer Britain.
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
b. The war in Europe ended on the day of the battle when Hitler committed suicide.
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
c. The Allies lost World War II at the Battle of the Bulge.
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
d. The destruction of Germany’s last reserve units left open the door to Germany’s heartlands from the west.
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812



Which of the following occurred as a result of World War II?

Choose one answer.

a. Franklin Roosevelt became a dictator for life.
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
b. The Great Depression ended in the United States.
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
c. The United States suffered heavy bombing.
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
d. None of the above
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812



Which of the following statements about American “war relocation camps” is true?

Choose one answer.

a. These internment camps housed over 100,000 Japanese Americans during the war.
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
b. These internment camps were prisoner-of-war camps for captured Germans.
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
c. These internment camps were the German euphemism for Nazi concentration camps.
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
d. These internment camps were the bases that housed American servicemen before being sent to the front lines.
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812



In early 1942, what was the biggest challenge to the United States faced in the Atlantic?

Choose one answer.

a. German submarine warfare
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
b. German aircraft carrier attacks
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
c. German espionage
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
d. German-American disloyalty
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812



Fill in the blank. The Eisenhower Doctrine governed American foreign policy toward _______________.

Choose one answer.

a. Africa
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
b. The Middle East
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
c. Latin America
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
d. Southeast Asia
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812



President Eisenhower’s farewell address is remembered for its warning about which of the following?

Choose one answer.

a. Communist incursions in Latin America
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
b. McCarthyism
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
c. The rise of the military-industrial complex
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
d. None of the above
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812



As articulated by George Kennan, which of the following statements about containment is true?

Choose one answer.

a. Containment was introduced to Americans through a televised speech.
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
b. Containment was premised on the belief that the Soviet Union was aggressively expansionistic.
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
c. Containment recommended continuing America’s wartime alliance with the Soviet Union.
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
d. None of the above
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812



Complete the sentence. All of the following were consequences of the Vietnam War EXCEPT:

Choose one answer.

a. 58,000 Americans died.
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
b. Many young Americans questioned the value of military service.
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
c. Americans were more determined than ever to spread democracy.
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
d. There were widespread domestic American protests against the war.
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812



In April of 1970, President Nixon extended the Vietnam War when he sent troops into which country?

Choose one answer.

a. Laos
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
b. China
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
c. Cambodia
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
d. Thailand
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812



President Nixon’s policy of “Vietnamization” involved which of the following?

Choose one answer.

a. Increasing the number of Americans being drafted
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
b. Launching a nuclear war with North Vietnam
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
c. Gradually reducing the number of American troops in Vietnam
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
d. None of the above
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812



The Vietnam settlement signed on January 27, 1973 did which of the following?

Choose one answer.

a. Insured the survival of South Vietnam
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
b. Brought lasting peace to South Vietnam
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
c. Left 150,000 Communist troops in South Vietnam
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
d. Got Nixon reelected
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812



In regard to Vietnam policy, what was President Nixon’s stance?

Choose one answer.

a. President Nixon insisted he would pursue “peace with honor.”
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
b. President Nixon was ambivalent about continuing the war.
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
c. President Nixon still believed that the war could be won.
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
d. None of the above
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812



By the end of 1991, what was the state of the Soviet Union?

Choose one answer.

a. The country had fallen apart.
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
b. The country still had the world’s largest nuclear arsenal.
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
c. The country was torn by civil war.
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
d. None of the above
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812



In the Soviet Union during August 1991, what was the crucial development to the end of the Cold War?

Choose one answer.

a. Gorbachev’s assassination
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
b. A failed Communist coup
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
c. Revolution in the Baltics
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
d. Gorbachev’s reelection
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812



The fall of the Berlin Wall was soon followed by what event?

Choose one answer.

a. The threat of war in central Europe
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
b. The formal dissolution of NATO
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
c. Germany’s reunification
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
d. The Communists constructing an even stronger one
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812



Fill in the blank. In late 1989, all the Communist regimes of Eastern Europe toppled bloodlessly except that of ________________.

Choose one answer.

a. East Germany
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
b. Poland
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
c. Hungary
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
d. Romania
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812



In the 2003 war against Iraq, the United States was most closely supported by what country?

Choose one answer.

a. Great Britain
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
b. France
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
c. Russian
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
d. Spain
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812



What was President Bush’s stated rationale for attacking Iraq in 2003?

Choose one answer.

a. Iraq’s presumed threat to the United States.
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
b. He did not like men with moustaches.
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
c. The desire to acquire Iraq’s oil.
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
d. None of the above
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812



Which of the following is NOT an accurate description of Osama Bin Laden?

Choose one answer.

a. A wealthy Saudi
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
b. Leader of al Qaeda
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
c. Founder and leader of the Taliban
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
d. A Muslim extremist
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812



Within a few weeks of the September 11 attacks, U.S. forces led an attack on what country?

Choose one answer.

a. Pakistan
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
b. Iraq
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
c. Saudi Arabia
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
d. Afghanistan
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812



The terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 did all of the following EXCEPT:

Choose one answer.

a. Paralyze the United States in fear and disunity
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
b. Kill about 3,000 people
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
c. Target the Pentagon
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812
d. Destroy the World Trade Center
Which of the following statements describes the Federalists response to the war of 1812



What were the causes of the War of 1812 where did Republicans and Federalists stand on declaring and then fighting the war?

The war of 1812 was caused because the country's rights were being violated, such as the seizure of merchant ships and impressment by the British, and they were not respecting the Americans. Federalists were against the war because they were for the merchants and saw how the economy would be affected.

Which of the following was an outcome of the post war election of 1818?

Perhaps the most significant outcome of the 1818 election, however, was the platform that it gave to the anti-establishment Radicals and more advanced Whigs after decades of war-time muzzling and suppression.

How did Jefferson respond to the Barbary States threats against American shipping?

Jefferson disagreed. He saw no end to the demands for tribute. He wanted matters settled "through the medium of war" and proposed a league of trading nations to force the end of Barbary piracy. In 1790, pirates from Algiers captured 11 American ships and more than 100 prisoners to add to those already held for ransom.

What was the critical disagreement that led to the emergence of political parties in the mid 1790s?

Differences over foreign policy became a basis for the founding of political parties in the new nation as the debate pitted the Federalists, led by the Secretary of the Treasury Alexander Hamilton, against the Jeffersonians, represented by Secretary of State Thomas Jefferson.