Using a database solution instead of a flat file eliminates all of the following issues except:


1. Once you have learned how to write programs and build systems, you no longer need any input or involvement from any users as you are perfectly capable of delivering the systems that businesses need and want. Mark for Review
[1] Points

False. Business requirements can and will change. For instance new legal requirements may arise. [*]

True. The only requirement for creating a perfect system is a perfect programmer.

True. Users never know what they want anyway, so building systems is best left to the professionals.

True. Users delay the delivery of a system by changing their minds and adding new requirements.


2. If information requirements are clearly communicated during conceptual modeling the following will result: Mark for Review
[1] Points

A well designed conceptual model [*]

Some business rules may not be taken into account

A conceptual model that does not fully reflect the business will be created.

Delays due to reworking model caused by incorrect assumptions


3. All Business Rules can be modeled. Mark for Review
[1] Points


False [*]

IncorrectIncorrect. Refer to Section 1 Lesson 4.

4. Documenting Business Requirements helps developers control the scope of the system and prevents users from claiming that the new system does not meet their business requirements. True or False? Mark for Review
[1] Points

True [*]



5. When completing the conceptual modeling process we must take into account the following: Mark for Review
[1] Points

Business Rules



All of the above [*]The technical software requirements for this course include all of the following except: Mark for Review
[1] Points

Oracle SQL Developer Data Modeler

Microsoft Access [*]

Oracle APEX application

All are requirements.


7. The strategies for learning used in this course include: Mark for Review
[1] Points

Instructor led training

Industry recognized certification

Project driven curriculum

All of the above [*]


8. What is the difference between "information" and "data"? Mark for Review
[1] Points

Data turns into useful information. It is stored in a database and accessed by systems and users. [*]

Data is held and understood only by users.

Information and data have no differences - they are two words for the same thing.

Information is held and understood only by users.


9. DBMS stands for : Mark for Review
[1] Points

Database Management System [*]

Database Memory System

Database Management Software

Database Manipulation System

Correct Correct

10. Select the business or industry that would not have a need for a database. Mark for Review
[1] Points



Scientific Research

All these businesses could benefit from using a database. [*]

The transformations that have occurred in the computing world progressing in this order: Mark for Review
[1] Points

Grid Computing, Desktop Computing, Mainfram Computing, Client/Server Computing

Mainframe Computing, Desktop Computing, Grid Computing, Client/Server Computing.

Desktop computing, Grid computing, Client/Server computing, Mainframe computing.

Mainframe computing, Desktop computing, Client/Server Computing, Grid computing. [*]

IncorrectIncorrect. Refer to Section 1 Lesson 2.

12. The advantages of an object-oriented data model are: Mark for Review
[1] Points

Reduced Maintenance

Real-World Modeling

Both A and B. [*]

Neither A or B.

IncorrectIncorrect. Refer to Section 1 Lesson 3.

13. Which is the first step in the Database Development Process ? Mark for Review
[1] Points



Strategy and Analysis [*]



14. A ___________ model describes a database in terms of tables, columns, and joins between tables. Mark for Review
[1] Points

Relational [*]


Object Oriented



15. In a _______ database model the data is organized into a tree-like structure and to retrieve data the whole tree needs to be traversed starting from the root node. Mark for Review
[1] Points

Hierarchical [*]


Object Oriented

NetworkWhich of the following statements are true? [Choose two] Mark for Review
[1] Points

[Choose all correct answers]

Relational database systems are the main thrust behind SQL since it provides the language elements needed to tie together the information in the database. [*]

Relational systems pay more attention to retrieving data and making it accessible to the user. [*]

Flat file database structures help eliminate redundant information.

Flat file database systems pay more attention to retrieving data and making it accessible to the user, whereas relational databases spend more energy updating indexes and data pointers.

IncorrectIncorrect. Refer to Section 2 Lesson 1.

17. A table must have a primary key. True or False? Mark for Review
[1] Points

True [*]



18. Using ERDish, which wording represents optionality? [Choose Two] Mark for Review
[1] Points

[Choose all correct answers]

may [*]


must [*]



19. An ERD created using ERDish is a __________ representation of entities and their relationships to each other. Mark for Review
[1] Points

graphical [*]





20. The __________ model includes entities, attributes, UIDs, relationships as well as optionality and cardinality of these items. Mark for Review
[1] Points



Logical [*]

Conceptual. The conceptual model does all of the following except: Mark for Review
[1] Points

Describes the needs of the business.

Takes into account regulations and laws goverining the industry being addressed.

Documents type of operating system to be used. [*]

Prevents mistakes and misunderstandings.


22. Which of the following are true about Cardinality? [Choose two] Mark for Review
[1] Points

[Choose all correct answers]

Cardinality specifies only singularity or plurality, but not a specific plural number. [*]

Cardinality specifies whether something is required or not.

Cardinality tells "how many". [*]

Cardinality specifies a counting number [like 1, 2, 3, 4 etc.] in a relationship.


23. The cardinality of a relationship can be _____________. [Choose two] Mark for Review
[1] Points

[Choose all correct answers]

one or more [*]

one and only one [*]

many to many

one to one

IncorrectIncorrect. Refer to Section 2 Lesson 5.

24. One-to-One relationships have _____________ of one to one in both directions. Mark for Review
[1] Points

Foreign Keys

Cardinality [*]



IncorrectIncorrect. Refer to Section 2 Lesson 5.

25. The components of a relationship include all of the following except : Mark for Review
[1] Points


Relational Integrity [*]


CardinalityA logical model includes : Mark for Review
[1] Points

Only Entities, Attributes and Unique Identifiers

Entities, Attributes, Unique Identifiers and Relationships [*]

Only Entities, Attributes and Relationships

Only Entities and Relationships


27. The physical model shows all table structures. True or False. Mark for Review
[1] Points

True [*]



28. The logical model determines relationship optionality and cardinality Mark for Review
[1] Points

True [*]



29. Primary keys can contain null values. Mark for Review
[1] Points


False [*]


30. All entities must be given a new artificial UID. True or False? Mark for Review
[1] Points


False [*] Primary UIDs are: Mark for Review
[1] Points

Useful as an alternative means of identifying instances of an entity, independent of their datatype

Optional in data modeling.

Always comprised of numbers

Mandatory in data modeling [*]


32. A candidate UID that does not get chosen to become the primary UID is called a _________ . Mark for Review
[1] Points

Secondary UID [*]

Primary UID

Composite UID

Unique UID


33. To identify an attribute as part of a unique identifier on an ER diagram, the # symbol goes in front of it. True or False? Mark for Review
[1] Points

True [*]



34. Which of the attributes is a volatile attribute? Mark for Review
[1] Points

Date of birth

Eye color


Age [*]


35. Entities are usually _____________. Mark for Review
[1] Points



Nouns [*]

VerbsWhen creating entities in a logical model you must follow these rules: [Choose Two] Mark for Review
[1] Points

[Choose all correct answers]

Include Attributes [*]

Name them in Singular [*]

Exclude Attributes

Name them in Plural


Section 3
[Answer all questions in this section]

37. Attribute names are converted to column names by _________________. Mark for Review
[1] Points

Replacing spaces with underscores. [*]

Replacing numbers with letters.

Replacing underscores with dashes.

Replacing periods with commas.


38. An entity name is converted to a table name by making it plural. Mark for Review
[1] Points

True [*]



39. In a physical data model, a relationship is represented as a combination of: [Choose Two] Mark for Review
[1] Points

[Choose all correct answers]

Primary Key or Unique Key [*]

Check Constraint or Unique Key

Foreign Key [*]


IncorrectIncorrect. Refer to Section 3 Lesson 4.

40. Which of the following would be a logical constraint when modeling time for a City entity? Mark for Review
[1] Points

People are born in the city and people die in the city.

Daily traffic patterns must be monitored to determine how many law enforcement officers are needed.

If you are doing a system for any French City, you would need security clearance.

Cites may change their names and/or country association if the borders of a country change. [*]An arc can also be modeled as Supertype and Subtypes. True or False? Mark for Review
[1] Points

True [*]



42. What do you call the entity created when you resolve a M:M relationship? Mark for Review
[1] Points

Inclusion entity

Recursive entity

Intersection entity [*]

M:M entity


43. Which of the following is true about subtypes? Mark for Review
[1] Points

Subtypes must not be mutually exclusive.

Subtypes must be mutually exclusive. [*]

Subtypes should not be exhaustive.

One instance of a supertype may belong to two subtypes.

IncorrectIncorrect. Refer to Section 3 Lesson 1.

44. Which of the following statements about subtypes is not true? Mark for Review
[1] Points

Inherits all attributes of the supertype.

Must have subtypes of its own. [*]

Never exists alone.

Inherits all relationships of the supertype.

IncorrectIncorrect. Refer to Section 3 Lesson 1.

45. Another name for a "barred relationship" is ________________. Mark for Review
[1] Points

Hierarchical Relationship

Identifying Relationship [*]

Recursive Relationship

Supertype Relationship When is an entity in 2nd Normal Form? Mark for Review
[1] Points

When all non-UID attributes are dependent upon the entire UID. [*]

When attributes with repeating or multi-values are removed.

When no attritibutes are mutually independent and all are fully dependent on the primary key.

None of the Above.

IncorrectIncorrect. Refer to Section 3 Lesson 3.

47. A table is in 3NF if it has met all database requirements for both 1NF and 2NF and all transitive dependencies are eliminated. Mark for Review
[1] Points

True [*]



48. "Only teachers may supervise exams" is an example of which of the following? Mark for Review
[1] Points

An attribute that should be stored on the PERSON entity

An attribute that is not be inherited from the PERSON supertype and is unique to the TEACHER subtype

A procedural business rule [*]

A structural business rule

Incorrect Incorrect. Refer to Section 3 Lesson 3.

49. A new system would have a mixture of both Procedural and Structural Business Rules as part of the documentation of that new system. True or False? Mark for Review
[1] Points

True [*]



50. A business rule such as "We only ship goods after customers have completely paid any outstanding balances on their account" is best enforced by: Mark for Review
[1] Points

Making the payment attribute null.

We need to trust our customers, and we know they will pay some day.

Hiring a programmer to create additional programming code to verify no goods are shipped until the account has been settled in full. [*]

Making the payment attribute optional.

What is a disadvantage of using a relational database instead of a flat file to store organize and analyze data?

What is a disadvantage of using a relational database instead of a flat file to store, organize, and analyze data? It is difficult to use a relational database without prior knowledge.

Which of the following statements is true about database flat file?

The correct answer is C. Flat file systems include xBase systems, Btrieve, and FoxPro databases. These systems are typically PC-based and often do not directly have a capability to query the database with SQL. 2.

How the database approach is different from flat file data management?

Database provide more flexibility whereas flat file provide less flexibility. Database system provide data consistency whereas flat file can not provide data consistency. Database is more secure over flat files. Database support DML and DDL whereas flat files can not support these.

Why relational database is better than flat file system give example?

A relational database is one that contains multiple tables of data that relate to each other through special key fields. Relational databases are far more flexible [though harder to design and maintain] than what are known as flat file databases, which contain a single table of data.

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