touchdown là gì - Nghĩa của từ touchdown

touchdown có nghĩa là

The act of shitting a turd so long it hits the water before completely exiting the anus.


Huzzah! Dudes, guess who just mede a touchdown!

touchdown có nghĩa là

1: When an aircraft or other vehicle capable of flight touches the surface of a planet after a period of flight. also: Landed

2: When a football player puts a football onto the ground inside the scoring area while still holding the ball, scoring some points after having avoided being tackled or having the ball stolen from him from a member of the other team.


1a: Nice Touchdown there Captain!
1b: "Houston, Tranquillity Base here, The Eagle has Landed"

2: Jaggar passes to Murphy, dodges past Robson and he's in the clear! Great touchdown there! another three points to the Eagles for 33 to 29.

touchdown có nghĩa là

A term used in online computer gaming to signify one or more kills with a grenade. Mainly applied to first-person shooter games such as Counter-Strike.


Whoa! He just pwned 4 people with that nade! TOUCHDOWN!!

touchdown có nghĩa là

when a nigga ain't all-the-way retarded, just got a touch of Down's


Chris Brown looks like a touchdown in his video "Run it."I'm convinced the child is mildly retarded.

touchdown có nghĩa là

When you lay down a brick so long it touches the toilet/water at the same time it touches your ass, and makes kindof a connection, like a touchdown.


Damn, that brick was so freaking huge I touchdowned it!

touchdown có nghĩa là

Expression often used by men when they reach an orgasm during sexual intercourse.


- "Oh yeah baby...."
-"mmmm... aaahhh... You fuck my pussy so good!!!"
-Oh my God oh my God!!! Ohh Yeah! TOUCHDOWN BABY!!!! TOUCHDOWN!!!!"

touchdown có nghĩa là

it means when you get ready to have sexual relations with a woman or man


Are you ready for me to touchdown on that ass?

touchdown có nghĩa là

A fruity cocktail consisting of the following: - Two parts diet orange soda
- Two parts diet ginger ale
- One part pink lemonade vodka
- Half a part lime juice


Guy One: Whatchya wanna drink tonight bro Guy Two: Yo I'll have me a touchdown Guy One: What the fuck is that? Guy Two: Take the superposition of a full send and a sorority formal... Guy One: What are you some sort of physics fuck?

touchdown có nghĩa là

”’Touchdown There”’ [2 November 1982 – Present], commonly known as ”’NagolGnik”’ [Nag-ol Nick], is the Irish king of The Gridiron. He is the most celebrated member of the The Gridiron and the creator of one of the largest empires in selection history. Born in Baldwinsville in 1982, Touchdown There was tutored by the famed philosopher Johnny Benched. In 2010 he succeeded the 2009 Gridiron champion to the throne. Touchdown There inherited a strong kingdom and an experienced army. He succeeded in being awarded the generalship of The Gridiron and, with his authority firmly established, launched the plans for expansion he created. In 2010 he invaded The Gridiron and began a war lasting the whole football season. Touchdown There broke the power of Necessary Roughness in a series of decisive battles, most notably the battles of Week two and Week three. Subsequently he overthrew the Necessary Roughness and conquered the entirety of The Gridiron. Personality
Touchdown There’s personality is well described by the ancient sources. Some of his strongest personality traits formed in response to his parents. His mother had huge ambitions for Touchdown There, and encouraged him to believe it was his destiny to conquer The Gridiron. Indeed, Touchdown There’s relationship with his father generated the competitive side of his personality; he had a need to out-do his father, as his reckless nature in battle suggests.


Touchdown There’s most evident personality traits were his violent temper and rash, impulsive nature, along with his 100% arrogance, which undoubtedly contributed to some of his decisions during his life. Balls of Steel thought that this part of his personality was the cause of his weakness for alcohol. Although Touchdown There was stubborn and did not respond well to orders from authority figures, he was easier to persuade by reasoned debate. Indeed, set beside his fiery temperament, there was a calmer side to Touchdown There; perceptive, logical, and calculating. He had a great desire for knowledge, a love for philosophy, and was an avid reader. This was no doubt in part due to his tutelage by Johnny Benched; Touchdown There was intelligent and quick to learn. The intelligent and rational side to Touchdown there is also amply demonstrated by his ability and success. Early Victories
Touchdown There was a quick study to The Gridiron. Learning quickly that the other members of The Gridiron were fools and incompetent when it came to football selections. His superior knowledge and intellect proved to be unmatched and his victories quickly showed this. This knowledge coupled with his vast football career consisting of playing the fifth quarter of freshman football made him an instant favorite among fans of The Gridiron. With his quick wit and silver tongue he was able to create the most creative and elaborate victory speeches that left opponents shaken and emotionally broken.

touchdown có nghĩa là

Somebody who has a shit and pukes up at the same time


HAHA!! Look at him! he just had a touchdown!

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