Tập nghiệm của bất phương trình 3x>9 là

Cho các bất phương trình sau, đâu là bất phương trình bậc nhất một ẩn

Giá trị $x = 2$ là nghiệm của bất phương trình nào sau đây ?

Nghiệm của bất phương trình $7[3x + 5] > 0$ là:

Cho $a > b$. Bất đẳng thức nào tương đương với bất đẳng thức đã cho?

Phương trình \[\left| {2x - 5} \right| = 1\] có nghiệm là:

Hình vẽ dưới đây là biểu diễn tập nghiệm của bất phương trình nào?

Tập nghiệm của bất phương trình   $3x + 7 > x + 9$ là 

Nghiệm của phương trình \[\left| {x - 1} \right| = 3x - 2\] là:

Bất phương trình $2[x - 1] - x > 3[x - 1] - 2x - 5$ có nghiệm là:

Tập nghiệm của bất phương trình \[\dfrac{{x - 3}}{{x + 4}} < 0\] là

Tích các nghiệm của  phương trình $|{x^2} + 2x - 1| = 2$ là

Chọn câu đúng, biết \[0 < a < b.\]

Cho số thực \[x\] , chọn câu đúng nhất.

Bất phương trình −3x+9≥0 có tập nghiệm là

A. 3; +∞.

B. −∞; 3.

C. 3; +∞.

D. −∞; −3.

Đáp án và lời giải

Đáp án:B

Lời giải: Li gii
Chn B
Ta có: −3x+9≥0 ⇔−3x≥−9 ⇔x≤3.
Vậy:Bất phương trình −3x+9≥0 có tập nghiệm là −∞; 3.

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Một số câu hỏi khác có thể bạn quan tâm.

  • Choose the word whose stress is on the second syllable:

    network event entry teenage

  • Read the passage below and choose one correct answer for each question:

    Recreation is the use of time in a non-profitable way, in many ways also a therapeutic refreshment of one's body or mind. While leisure is more likely a form of entertainment or rest, recreation is active for the participant but in a refreshing and diverting manner. As people in the world's wealthier regions lead increasingly sedentary lifestyles, the need for recreation has grown. The rise of so-called active vacations exemplifies this trend.
    Recreation, play, and fun are not the preserve of humans; nearly all creatures indulge in this to some extent. Play is essential for the development of skills, the most basic of which are motor skills in young creatures.
    The choice of hours for recreation is, for employees, restricted by the requirements of, and agreements with, the employer [working time], and for students by school hours. For people with their own business it is also restricted by the requirements of the work, such as the opening hours of the business based on wishes of customers, laws, and customs.
    The weekend is usually a time for recreation. Holidays are also a common time for recreation, though recreation may take place at virtually any time. Recreation commonly occurs during an individual's discretionary time.
    Traditionally Olympics, music and dance serve as recreation in many cultures, as do sports, hobbies, games [playing] and tourism. Watching TV and listening to music are common forms of recreation, or rather leisure.

    1. What is the difference between leisure and recreation?
    A. Leisure is active for the participant but in a refreshing and diverting manner, recreation is more likely a form of entertainment or rest.
    B. Leisure isn’t likely a form of entertainment or rest, recreation is active for the participant but in a refreshing and diverting manner.
    C. Leisure is more likely a form of entertainment or rest while recreation is active for the participant but in a refreshing and diverting manner.
    D. Leisure is more likely a form of entertainment or rest, recreation isn’t active for the participant but in a refreshing and diverting manner.

    2. The word wealthier line 4, paragraph 1, could best be replaced by _____________.
    A. richer
    B. poorer
    C. cooler
    D. hotter

    3. The choice of hours for recreation for employees is _______________ .
    A. restricted by the requirements of, and agreements with the employer.
    B. restricted by the requirements of the work.
    C. restricted by the requirements of, and agreements with the students.
    D. restricted by the requirements of, and disagreements with the employer, and for students by school hours.

    4. The word occurs in line 3, paragraph 4, could best be replaced by ___________ .
    A. comes
    B. happens
    C. goes
    D. has

    5. Weekends and holidays are ______________ .
    A. common forms of recreation.
    B. the use of time in a non-profitable way.
    C. an individual's discretionary time.
    D. a common time forrecreation.

  • Find a mistake in the four underlined parts of the sentence and correct it:

    He got married with a Pole last year.

  • Find a mistake in the four underlined parts of the sentence and correct it:

    In Poland we are used to live in a cold climate.

  • Find a mistake in the four underlined parts of the sentence and correct it:

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  • Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest:

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  • Choose a word that has different stress pattern:

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  • Choose a word that has different stress pattern:

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