Take it in nghĩa là gì

'Take it or leave it' nghĩa là hoặc lấy hoặc không, không có lựa chọn nào khác, phải chấp nhận hoặc từ chối mà không được ra điều kiện nào [take this one or none; you have no choice; to accept or reject unconditionally]; chịu hay không.

Ví dụ
But penalising smokers by imposing [đánh thuế, áp đặt] outrageous [tàn bạo, thái quá] taxes on cigarettes is both hypocritical [đạo đức giả, giả nhân giả nghĩa] and cynical [khuyển nho, yếm thế, bất cần đạo lí], given smoking is now recognized as an addiction [nghiện] and not a take it or leave it habit.

Such nonchalant [hờ hững, lãnh đạm, vô tình] take it or leave it air [diện mạo, dáng điệu, thái độ] must be the envy of other candidates who appear willing to give their right arm just to have a shot at the presidency and the contributions that go with the campaign.

Internet firms are renowned for valuing diversity, inclusion and out-of-the-box thinking. Ironically though, some have started adopting rather conventional power postures in their hiring processes; the old take-it-or-leave-it job offer, with fixed salaries and no room for negotiation. Firms such as Reddit, Magoosh Inc. and Jet.com claim to have taken this step for the sake of transparency and fairness, as pay negotiations typically put women at a disadvantage because men negotiate harder.

Phạm Hạnh

"The sooner the better" nghĩa là gì?
"Cool his heels" nghĩa là gì?

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