Q: Skills for Success Listening and Speaking 5 Answer Key Pdf Unit 1

Listening and Speaking 5 Unit 6 Student Book Answer Key The Q Classroom Activity A., p. 142 Answers will vary. Activity

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Listening and Speaking 5 Unit 6 Student Book Answer Key The Q Classroom Activity A., p. 142 Answers will vary. Activity B., p. 142 1. Marcus takes a break when he gets stuck on a problem. 2. Felix thinks two people working together is a good way to come up with new ideas. Remaining answer may vary. Sample answer: I would rather work alone, though. LISTENING 1 WORK WITH THE LISTENING Activity A, p. 146 Answers will vary. Possible answers: 1. Meaning of the term and how it came to be used

2. Problem the idea is trying to solve

3. Two steps in the process

4. Analysis of the solution: Benefits

5. Analysis of the solution: Obstacles

Report 1: Doc-ina-Box means clinics converted from shipping containers; invented by Laurie Garrett no access to clinics in remote areas in developing countries 1. converts shipping containers into clinics 2. selects paramedics from the villages that they serve more affordable; portable medicine will be a reality for people in developing countries needs support from governments and aid organizations

Report 2: Bee Sting Therapy using bee sting to treat pains; an ancient tradition in Greece and China alternative treatment of pains without medications 1. raises bees 2. gets stung by bees

low cost; effective

needs to convince people that apitherapy works

Activity B, pp. 146147 Answers will vary. Possible answers:

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Q: Skills for Success Second Edition Report 1: Doc-in-a-Box? 1. It means clinics converted from shipping containers. 2. It needs support from governments and aid organizations. 3. Its trying to solve the problem that people in remote areas in developing countries have no easy access to clinics. These clinics can be placed in the village so people dont have to travel far to a regular clinic. Report 2: Bee Sting Therapy 4. Apitherapy is using bee sting to treat pains. It works because bee venom can reduce or relieve pain. 5. Because it works and it provides very inexpensive alternative. 6. The therapy would be more acceptable if insurance companies start reimbursing for it. Both reports: 7. The medical community is usually more conservative, and they dont usually accept new ideas very easily. Activity C., pp. 147148 1. F; Laurie Garrett is a science writer. 2. F; The idea is for containers to be delivered anywhere theyre needed. 3. T 4. F; Garrett expects that mostly midwives will use these facilities, but that any medical staff can use them. 5. T 6. F; Keller is a beekeeper and acupuncturist. 7. T 8. F; Live bees are needed to induce the stings. 9. F; The use of bee products has a strong tradition in China and Greece. 10. F; Fountain Odom supports such research, but is not a state legislator. / Odoms wife is state secretary, but she does not expect the state to support this research.


Listening and Speaking 5 Unit 6 Student Book Answer Key

Activity D., p. 148 Answers may vary. Possible answers: 1. Bee-Sting Therapy seems less expensive after investing in the bees and buying the equipment to give injections. Converting a shipping container into a doctors office would take a lot of money plus putting all the equipment and instruments and medicine for it would be expensive. 2. I think the Doc-In-A-Box is the most creative because the shipping container really had no relation to a doctors office before it was changed. 3. Probably Doc-In-A-Box could help the most people, especially if a lot of them were made. Once they were established they could last a long time. Not a lot of people would ever find out about Bee-Sting Therapy and they might not be able to find an apitherapy clinic near them. Activity E., p. 148 Answers will vary. Possible answer: Fascinating report on Doc-In-A-Box. Where are these converted shipping containers, and how can I contribute money to create more? Activity F., pp. 148149 1. a 2. c 3. b 4. b 5. b 6. c 7. b 8. c 9. c 10. a 11. a 12. b

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Q: Skills for Success Second Edition

LISTENING SKILL Activity A., p. 151 1. O; I think, unreliable 2. F; can find 3. F; in Haiti, cost 4. O; Garrett believes 5. O; should 6. F; reports, works 7. F; is based 8. O; probably 9. O; the best 10. F; is used Activity B., pp. 151152 1. amazing 2. absolute best 3. should be 4. Thousands 5. for two years 6. the most effective 7. I believe 8. probably NOTE-TAKING SKILL Activity A., B., C. p. 153 Process development plays a trading game works as a salesman sits at computer posts an online ad for a red paper clip gets a pen for paper clip works hard trades stuff trades for a glass globe gets a part in a movie trades a part in movie for a house in town has a house writing a book town plans to build a big paper clip for tourists

Time markers in his childhood a year before in 2005 first two days later for over a year for a few months eventually after a while over a year later [2006] today a few years later in the future


Listening and Speaking 5 Unit 6 Student Book Answer Key LISTENING 2 WORK WITH THE LISTENING Activity A., pp. 154155 Answers may vary. Possible answers: FREIKER: WHO = 2 dads in Boulder WHY = want kids to bike to school / want kids to exercise more HOW = punch cards for credit; incentives and grab bag; using bar code system; technology = RFID tags and readers; spreads to other states BOLTAGE: WHY = changed name because too many people mispronounced the name as Freaker; wanted to include walkers; both kids and parents like boltage WHAT = still use RFID tags and readers, bikers and walkers, more states Activity B., p. 155 5, RFID readers; 3, grab bags; 4, bar codes; 2, incentives; 6, walkers; 1, punch cards Activity C., p. 156 1. half 2. iPod 3. Safe Routes to School, local bike shops, community groups 4. Canada Activity D., p. 156 Answers will vary. Possible answes: 1. Freiker came from a combination of frequent and biker. It had to change because now there are walkers too. Now it is called Boltage. Bolt means to run; and boltage sounds like voltage a charge of electricity. 2. The program started out using punch cards, then bar codes, then RFID tags; now children ride past a freikometer and it registers their ride, so instead of monitoring, parents can help in the classroom. 3. The program encourages kids to use active transportation, which means they get

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Q: Skills for Success Second Edition themselves to school and dont get rides from their parents; riding bikes is a healthy activity and helps develop Freiker/Boltage safe routes to school. 4. Two things that remain the same in the new program are the incentives and the solarpowered RFID readers. 5. They measure success by how many kids participate, how much CO2 is saved from the atmosphere, how many miles the kids ride and how many calories they burn. Activity E., p. 156 1. b 2. b Activity F., p. 157 1. O 2. O 3. F 4. F 5. O Activity G., pp. 157158 a. bar code b. infrastructure c. submit d. propel e. substantial f. outrageous g. implement h. consistently i. grant j. incentive k. impromptu l. buzzword LISTENING 2 SAY WHAT YOU THINK Activity B., p. 159 Answers may vary. Possible answers: 1. Some people only trust what they have seen and they don't want to try anything new. Maybe they've heard some negative


Listening and Speaking 5 Unit 6 Student Book Answer Key stories about someone who tried something that wasn't tested and got hurt by it. 2. I've read stories about lots of people that invent things in their garage or kitchen so I don't think it's necessary to have a special lab or factory. But if you want to make money, you have to be able to produce more of the idea. Activity D., p. 159 Answers may vary. Possible answers: 1. I think people should be able to donate money to special projects if they could be guaranteed money would go to what they want it to. I think the government should only give money for medical research. 2. I once heard someone at the beach talking about making a beach chair with a small cooler attached. He didn't make one but now you can buy one in the store because it is a good idea. VOCABULARY SKILL Activity A., p. 160 1. buzz; news 2. corner; soon 3. deal; the important thing 4. catch; to realize 5. ground; to get started 6. cut; better than 7. wrap; to finish 8. wild; very enthusiastic Activity B., pp. 160161 1. a big deal; meaningreally important 2. buzzed with; meaningwere excited 3. flaky; meaningunreliable, odd 4. light bulb went off; meaningan idea suddenly occurred 5. run with it; meaningdo it on their own 6. shoot for the moon; meaningtry something big and unusual

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Q: Skills for Success Second Edition GRAMMAR Activity A., p. 163 1. She believes the container clinics, ultimately, could make portable medicine a reality for people in countries that need it most. 2. Ive had patients in the last 20 years who told me that relatives of theirs, older relatives working in the garden, had accidently got stung on their hands by a bee, and their arthritis got better. 3. And I might also add that we also include walkers now, um, as part of the program. 4. We see no reason why, if retrofitting is done on a mass scale . . . , these containers couldnt come in for well under $1,500 apiece. 5. Some compounds in bee venom might affect how the body transmits pain signals to the brain, but its hard to know for sure. 6. He told me how this grew from a handful of kids at Crestview Elementary School in Boulder into an international program. Activity B., p. 163 1. He told his boss he thought that his coworker had stolen his idea. 2. We arent sure whether we want to sell it online. 3. I need to find out where they developed the prototype. 4. Its not clear how they raised enough money to give away iPods. 5. I dont understand why we cant we convince people to get stung by bees. 6. They are trying to decide whether they can convince the public to buy it. 7. We are trying to find out when the product was featured on the air. 8. The group was worried that the incentive could be seen as too outrageous.


Listening and Speaking 5 Unit 6 Student Book Answer Key

Q: Skills for Success Second Edition

PRONUNCIATION Activity A., p. 164 1. N 2. A 3. A 4. N 5. N 6. N 7. A 8. N

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