Inservice training topics for teachers

  • Assessment of Utilization of Internet Facilities among Pre-Service Teachers in University of Ilorin, Nigeria

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Ogunlade, Oyeronke Olufunmilola; Fagbola, Oluwafunmilayo Faith; Ogunlade, Amos Akindele; Amosa, Abdulganiyu Alasela


    The use of the Internet can further equip teachers by providing them with the latest information on their discipline. The purpose of technology in teacher training is to provide pre-service teachers with the capability of integrating computer technologies into curriculum and instructional activities.This study therefore assessed the internet

  • Student teacher training: participant motivation.


    Burgess, Annette; van Diggele, Christie; Mellis, Craig


    Teaching, assessment and feedback skills are documented globally as required graduate attributes for medical students. By integrating teacher training into curricula, the importance of teaching and educational scholarship is highlighted. In this study, we used self-determination theory [SDT] to consider medical students' motivation to voluntarily participate in a short teacher training programme. Thirty-eight senior medical students were invited to attend a teacher training programme at a major tertiary teaching hospital. Participating students were asked to respond to one question: 'Why did you volunteer to take part in the teacher training course?' Self-determination theory was used as a conceptual framework to identify and code recurrent themes in the data. In total, 23/38 [61%] of invited students chose to participate in the programme, and 21/23 [91%] of the students responded to the survey. Students' motivation to participate in the teacher training programme were related to: [1] autonomy - their enjoyment of their current voluntary involvement in teaching; [2] competence - a recognition of the need for formal training and certification in teaching, and as an essential part of their future career in medicine; [3] relatedness - the joint recognition of the importance of quality in teaching, as emphasised by their own learning experiences in the medical programme. Students reported being motivated to take part in teacher training because of their enjoyment of teaching, their desire to increase the quality of teaching within medical education, their desire for formal recognition of teaching as a learned skill, plus their recognition of teaching as a requirement within the medical profession. By integrating teacher training into curricula, the importance of teaching and educational scholarship is highlighted. © 2015 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  • Pre-service Science Teacher Preparation in China: Challenges and Promises

    NASA Astrophysics Data System [ADS]

    Liu, Enshan; Liu, Cheng; Wang, Jian


    The purpose of this article was to present an overview of pre-service science teacher preparation in China, which is heavily influenced by Chinese tradition, Confucianism, and rapid social and economic development. The policies, science teacher education systems and related programs jointly contribute to producing enough science teachers for hundreds of thousands of schools at different levels. At the same time, some important reforms should be undertaken, and more candidates with the ability to do educational research should be trained. These qualified science teachers not only face the challenges of the new round of science education reform, but also take opportunities to implement new science curriculum effectively. Therefore, it will facilitate professional development and improve science education in turn.

  • Boundary Crossing during Pre-service Teacher Training: empowering or hampering professional growth?

    NASA Astrophysics Data System [ADS]

    Harrison, Christine


    Yuli Rahmawati's paper presents an auto-ethnographic inquiry into her lived experiences as a science teacher in different countries. Through her reflections and analysis of events, Yuli captures and builds a model of her identity and explores the influence of inter- and intra-cultural perspectives in shaping how she recognizes herself and brings meaning to her professional life. Yuli's insights and explanations of teaching within different cultural contexts highlight the importance of personally relevant and meaningful knowledge, where expectations and accepted norms, that might fit well within one community, may be seen quite differently in another. While for Yuli, this led to professional growth as she inquired and made sense of her new context, my concern is that the social and cultural change could, in some instances, lead to disengagement rather than professional growth. My concern is that the conflict that arises from boundary crossing may be experienced even stronger by inexperienced professionals, such as pre-service teachers. The learning trajectory of pre-service teachers is steep; they need to gain stronger knowledge of curriculum and pedagogy and an awareness of how their students learn. They also need to build confidence in their professional self and what they can do to support and trigger student learning. For this to happen, in the tight time frames available on teacher education courses, pre-service teachers need to understand and engage with the new community that they are placed in very quickly, to make sense of both their role and that of others within the community. This paper suggests that pre-service providers should carefully consider the learning opportunities offered by school contexts, that may vary dramatically from the social and cultural contexts experienced by their teachers as part of their own education, to prevent disengagement or misunderstanding hampering professional growth.

  • Developing Pre-Service Teachers' Noticing of Students' Understanding of the Derivative Concept

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Sánchez-Matamoros, Gloria; Fernández, Ceneida; Llinares, Salvador


    This research study examines the development of the ability of pre-service teachers to notice signs of students' understanding of the derivative concept. It analyses preservice teachers' interpretations of written solutions to problems involving the derivative concept before and after participating in a teacher training module. The results

  • Mutual Adaptation: Enhancing Longer-Term Sustainability of Cross-Cultural In-Service Teacher Training Initiatives in China

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Yan, Chunmei


    This paper reports on a study that examines decisive factors for longer-term sustainability of cross-cultural teacher training initiatives in China. It focuses on teacher trainees' perspectives of a Sino-British adult education English language teaching project based in Central China. Questionnaires and semi-structured interviews were employed to

  • The Effect of In-Service Training of Computer Science Teachers on Scratch Programming Language Skills Using an Electronic Learning Platform on Programming Skills and the Attitudes towards Teaching Programming

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Alkaria, Ahmed; Alhassan, Riyadh


    This study was conducted to examine the effect of in-service training of computer science teachers in Scratch language using an electronic learning platform on acquiring programming skills and attitudes towards teaching programming. The sample of this study consisted of 40 middle school computer science teachers. They were assigned into two

  • Teacher Training Intervention for Early Identification of Common Child Mental Health Problems in Pakistan

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Hussein, S. A.; Vostanis, P.


    School-based interventions involving teacher training programmes have been shown to benefit teachers' ability to identify and manage child mental health problems in developed countries. However, very few studies have been conducted in low-income countries with limited specialist services. The aim of the study was to evaluate the impact of the

  • Establishing a Portfolio Assessment Framework for Pre-Service Teachers: A Multiple Perspectives Approach

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Denney, Maria K.; Grier, Jeanne M.; Buchanan, Merilyn


    In the field of initial teacher training, portfolios are widely used to assess pre-service teachers' performance as well as the outcomes of university-based teacher preparation programmes. However, little is known about the explicit design of portfolio assessment mechanisms in teacher preparation programmes. Issues related to the design and

  • Teacher Training in France in the Early 2010s

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Lapostolle, Guy; Chevaillier, Thierry


    The organisation of teacher training was thoroughly transformed in France in 2010. This transformation was the consequence of three interrelated reforms: the requirement of a Master's degree for all teachers, the new recruitment process for teachers and the integration of teacher training colleges [IUFM] into the universities. Universities are now

  • Latent transition analysis of pre-service teachers' efficacy in mathematics and science

    NASA Astrophysics Data System [ADS]

    Ward, Elizabeth Kennedy

    This study modeled changes in pre-service teacher efficacy in mathematics and science over the course of the final year of teacher preparation using latent transition analysis [LTA], a longitudinal form of analysis that builds on two modeling traditions [latent class analysis [LCA] and auto-regressive modeling]. Data were collected using the STEBI-B, MTEBI-r, and the ABNTMS instruments. The findings suggest that LTA is a viable technique for use in teacher efficacy research. Teacher efficacy is modeled as a construct with two dimensions: personal teaching efficacy [PTE] and outcome expectancy [OE]. Findings suggest that the mathematics and science teaching efficacy [PTE] of pre-service teachers is a multi-class phenomena. The analyses revealed a four-class model of PTE at the beginning and end of the final year of teacher training. Results indicate that when pre-service teachers transition between classes, they tend to move from a lower efficacy class into a higher efficacy class. In addition, the findings suggest that time-varying variables [attitudes and beliefs] and time-invariant variables [previous coursework, previous experiences, and teacher perceptions] are statistically significant predictors of efficacy class membership. Further, analyses suggest that the measures used to assess outcome expectancy are not suitable for LCA and LTA procedures.

  • Pre-Service Teachers' TPACK Competencies for Spreadsheet Integration: Insights from a Mathematics-Specific Instructional Technology Course

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Agyei, Douglas D.; Voogt, Joke M.


    This article explored the impact of strategies applied in a mathematics instructional technology course for developing technology integration competencies, in particular in the use of spreadsheets, in pre-service teachers. In this respect, 104 pre-service mathematics teachers from a teacher training programme in Ghana enrolled in the mathematics

  • Cuatro Modelos para Disenar Actividades de Capacitacion de Docentes [Four Models to Design In-Service Teacher Training Activities].

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Valle, Victor M.

    In designing inservice teacher training activities, it is necessary to apply educational principles and teaching and learning techniques which are suitable for adult education programs. Four models for designing inservice teacher training programs are the Malcom Knowles Model, the Leonard Nadler Model, the Cyril O. Houle Model, and the William R.

  • Pre-service Teachers' Subject Knowledge of and Attitudes about Radioactivity and Ionising Radiation

    NASA Astrophysics Data System [ADS]

    Denys Colclough, Nicholas; Lock, Roger; Soares, Allan


    This study focussed on secondary school [11-18 years] pre-service teachers' [n = 73] knowledge of and attitudes towards risks associated with alpha, beta, and gamma radiations. A multi-method approach was used with physics, chemistry, biology, and history graduates undertaking the one-year initial teacher training, Post Graduate Certificate in Education course at a university in central England. A novel research tool, involving interviews about real concrete contexts and first-hand data collection with radioactive sources, was employed to gain insights into a sub-set of the sample [n = 12] of pre-service teachers' subject knowledge of and attitudes towards risk. The subject knowledge of all the pre-service teachers was also measured using a Certainty of Response Index instrument; multiple-choice questions with associated confidence indicators. Although the physicists displayed the higher levels of knowledge, they also demonstrated limitations in their knowledge and held misconceptions such as irradiation being confused with contamination. Physics graduates hold more rational attitudes and a greater willingness to accept risk while the attitudes of graduates in the other subject disciplines are more disparate. These findings raise questions about the extent to which pre-service science and history teachers have the knowledge necessary to teach this topic. The article concludes with discussion of the implications these findings have for initial teacher training, continuing professional development needs for teachers already in the profession, and curriculum developers.

  • What Motivates Pre-Service Teachers to Become Teachers and Their Perspectives of English Teaching as a Career Option

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Tustiawati, I. A. Mela


    Teaching motivation issues are well-researched in several countries. However, these issues have been rarely investigated in the Indonesian context. This study investigated motivational factors that influence pre-service teachers to enter English teacher training and their perspectives of English teaching as a career option. It comprised a survey

  • Teachers' Perceptions of Grading Practices: How Pre-Service Training Makes a Difference

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Link, Laura


    This study examines the enduring problem of inconsistent K-12 grading practices by exploring the relationship between teachers' perceptions of various grading practices, such as factoring student behavior in academic grades, as related to grade level, district locale, and training. Survey responses from 2,996 K-12 teachers from one suburban and

  • Engineering teacher training models and experiences

    NASA Astrophysics Data System [ADS]

    González-Tirados, R. M.


    Institutions and Organisations that take training seriously and devote time, effort and resources, etc, to their own teams are more likely to succeed, since both initial teacher training and continuous improvement, studies, hours of group discussion, works on innovation and educational research, talks and permanent meetings, etc, will all serve to enhance teaching and its quality. Teachers will be able to introduce new components from previously taught classes into their university teaching which will contribute to improving their work and developing a suitable academic environment to include shared objectives, teachers and students. Moreover, this training will serve to enhance pedagogic innovation, new teaching-learning methodologies and contribute to getting teaching staff involved in respect of the guidelines set out by the EHEA. Bearing in mind that training and motivation can be key factors in any teacher's "performance", their productivity and the quality of their teaching, Teacher Training for a specific post inside the University Organisation is standard practice of so-called Human Resources management and an integral part of a teacher's work; it is a way of professionalising the teaching of the different branches of Engineering. At Madrid Polytechnic University, in the Institute of Educational Sciences [ICE], since it was founded in 1972, we have been working hard with university teaching staff. But it was not until 1992 after carrying out various studies on training needs that we planned and programmed different training actions, offering a wide range of possibilities. Thus, we designed and taught an "Initial Teacher Training Course", as it was first called in 1992, a programme basically aimed to train young Engineering teachers just setting out on their teaching career. In 2006, the name was changed to "Advanced University Teacher Training Course". Subsequently, with the appearance of the Bologna Declaration and the creation of the European Higher

  • Using In-Service and Coaching to Increase Teachers' Accurate Use of Research-Based Strategies

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Kretlow, Allison G.; Cooke, Nancy L.; Wood, Charles L.


    Increasing the accurate use of research-based practices in classrooms is a critical issue. Professional development is one of the most practical ways to provide practicing teachers with training related to research-based practices. This study examined the effects of in-service plus follow-up coaching on first grade teachers' accurate delivery of

  • The Influence of Formal and Informal Formative Pre-Service Experiences on Teacher Self-Efficacy

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Tuchman, Elie; Isaacs, Jenny


    Formal pre-service training has been shown to be effective in building teacher self-efficacy beliefs. However, the impact of other, less formal, "teacher-like" pre-service experiences on the formation of efficacy beliefs has not previously been investigated. This study examines the associations between both formal and informal formative

  • Pre-Service Science Teachers' Opinions about Using the Feedback Process in the Preparation of Teaching Materials

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Koray, Özlem


    Practical courses are very important in teachers' professional training. It is important that teachers learn professional knowledge and skills by personal experience, and it can increase the quality of their teaching. The accuracy of the practice should be considered for the practical studies of pre-service teachers. When the practices do not

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