Hướng dẫn chuyển file từ máy quay p2 aj-px 270 năm 2024

Sorry to ask a newbie question here of this level of complexity, but one of the many things I'm growing to hate about Panasonic and their crappy P2 codex is that the support available is extremely poor - hard to get a hold of them and frequently the people I reach know nothing.

Enough bitching - here's the deal:

I have the AJPX270 camera. I'm fairly new to video editing and am finding a lot about this camera and P2 that's driving me nuts.

One problem is that the audio records and creates files for all four inputs, even if you turn the levels down to zero. This means that I have to find the file corresponding to the mic that I want for the video, synch it to the video, and delete the other three. Anybody know of a work-around for this problem?

An even bigger issue is I can not download files to an external hard drive from the camera - it has to go to the P2 reader, reader to computer, or else I get a file format that I can not use and that I can't seem to convert to AVI in Final Cut. P2 goes straight to .MX or MP4.

There should be an item on the menu of this buggy camera that says: dropkick now.

John Koch • Senior Member • Posts: 1,618

Re: Panasonic AJ-PX270 and P2 driving me around the bend

In reply to Ignatzh • Sep 9, 2017

I doubt any DPR forum participants have any experience with the AJPX270 or P2 format, whether recent or not. You'll obtain better feedback from the dvinfo.net or dvxuser.com sub-forums dedicated to that camera or format.

It is very unusual for someone "fairly new to digital editing" to be using that camera or format. Both do, however, have a venerable past.

Premier and Avid should both support P2. Best to inquire at either editing product's user forums.

Tim Polster , who used the AJ-PX250 as of 2015, may offer tips.

John Deluca , another user, may also know.

LingoDingo • Senior Member • Posts: 1,802

Re: Panasonic AJ-PX270 and P2 driving me around the bend

In reply to Ignatzh • Sep 10, 2017

I own a HPX170 camera and four P2 cards. [ 176 GB total ] This is normal for professional recording formats that are used for P2 card recording. My HPX170 also records 4 audio tracks and I just delete the extra tracks when editing my footage.

I once had to edit footage from a professional Sony ENG camera that had 12 audio tracks in the format, with 10 of the tracks empty.

\>>>An even bigger issue is I can not download files to an external hard drive from the camera

I can use USB to transfer video with my HPX170, otherwise I would simply buy a P2 card reader. Yes they are not cheap, but again this is a professional format.

\>>>or else I get a file format that I can not use and that I can't seem to convert to AVI in Final Cut. P2 goes straight to .MX or MP4.

What NLE are you using to read the files from the P2 card ?

I use Vegas Pro 15 which handles the P2 files with no problems, and I know that there are other NLEs which can also handle this professional format.

From everything you've written all this is normal for a professional video format, just learn to deal with it. [ i.e. buy a P2 reader if you need to, and buy new software to read the P2 video formats if you have to ]

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