How to remove shortcut arrow from desktop icons in windows 10

In this tutorial, we are going to see how to remove shortcut arrow from desktop icons on Windows 10. In Windows, shortcut icons have a small arrow located at the bottom left to let you know that it is a shortcut. Even though its arrows are smaller in Windows 10 than in other versions of the operating system, they are not really attractive and it is very easy to remove the shortcut arrow.

Removing these little arrows requires editing the Windows registry. To remove Shortcut Arrow using the registry editor, carefully follow the few steps below.

Step 1: Press Windows + R keys simultaneously to open the Run dialog box. Then type regedit and confirm with OK.

Step 2: From the registry editor, go to the following key:


Step 3: Under the Explorer key, select the subkey named Shell Icons, then go directly to step 5. If it does not exist, click on the Edit menu, then on New, and Key.

Step 4: Name the new subkey Shell Icons.

Step 5: Click again on the Edit menu, on New, then on String Value.

Step 6: Name the new value as 29.

Step 7: Then double click on the key 29. In the field Value data enter the value below to remove the arrow from the shortcut icons. Finally, confirm with OK and close the Registry Editor.


Step 8: All you have to do is restart your computer. And Now. The arrows of the shortcut icons have disappeared!

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