Holistic solutions meaning


holistic [holistic technology]

Holistic [holistic technology] is a concept concerned with treatment of entire systems, rather than the analysis, treatment or segmentation of parts of those systems.

Emily McLaughlin, Content Development Strategist
19 Aug 2013

Holistic [holistic technology] is an approach to IT management that is concerned with viewing and treating a complex computer system as a single entity.

Just as a holistic approach to medicine treats each patient as an integrated system and considers how the mind affects the body, a holistic approach to technology focuses on the interdependence of system components.

Holistic approaches include:

Systems thinking - a holistic approach to analysis that focuses on the way that a system's constituent parts interrelate, how systems work over time and how they work within the context of even larger systems.

Process-centric BPM - a holistic approach to BPM that centers on business processes themselves, rather than individual elements such asdocuments, workflow or people.

Information governance - a holistic approach to managing corporate information by implementing processes, roles, controls and metrics that treat information as a valuable business asset.

Supply chain sustainability - a holistic perspective of supply chain processes and technologies that go beyond the focus of delivery, inventory and traditional views of cost.

Enterprise risk management - a holistic approach to planning, organizing, leading, and controlling an organization's activities in order to minimize the effects of risk on capital and earnings.

Continue Reading About holistic [holistic technology]

  • Global IT strategy: Challenges for CIOs
  • Holistic approach to hotel technology

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