Concat List string c#


Join strings in array

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str = strjoin[C]
str = strjoin[C,delimiter]



str = strjoin[C] constructs str by linking the elements of C with a space between consecutive elements. C can be a cell array of character vectors or a string array.


str = strjoin[C,delimiter] constructs str by linking each element of C with the elements in delimiter.


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Join List of Words with Whitespace

Open Live Script

Join individual character vectors in a cell array of character vectors, C, with a single space.

C = {'one','two','three'}; str = strjoin[C]
str = 'one two three'

Join Cell Array of Character Vectors with Delimiter

Open Live Script

Join the character vectors in a cell array into one character vector. Specify a comma followed by a space character as the delimiter.

C = {'Newton','Gauss','Euclid','Lagrange'}
C = 1x4 cell {'Newton'} {'Gauss'} {'Euclid'} {'Lagrange'}
str = strjoin[C,', ']
str = 'Newton, Gauss, Euclid, Lagrange'

Join Character Vectors with Multiple Different Delimiters

Open Live Script

Specify multiple different delimiters in a cell array of character vectors. The delimiter cell array must have one fewer element than C.

C = {'one','two','three'}; str = strjoin[C,{' + ',' = '}]
str = 'one + two = three'

Input Arguments

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C Input text
1-by-n cell array of character vectors | 1-by-n string array

Input text, specified as a 1-by-n cell array of character vectors or string array.

Example: {'The','rain','in','Spain'}

Example: ["Four","score","and","seven"]

Data Types: cell | string

delimiter Delimiting characters
character vector | 1-by-n cell array of character vectors | 1-by-n string array

Delimiting characters, specified as a character vector, a 1-by-n cell array of character vectors, or a 1-by-n string array.

  • If delimiter is a character vector, then strjoin forms str by inserting delimiter between each element of C. The delimiter input can include any of these escape sequences:










    Form feed


    New line


    Carriage return


    Horizontal tab


    Vertical tab

  • If delimiter is a cell array of character vectors, then it must contain one fewer element than C. Each element in the cell array must contain a character vector. strjoin forms str by interleaving the elements of delimiter and C. All characters in delimiter are inserted as literal text, and escape sequences are not supported.

Example: ', '

Example: {',',' '}

Data Types: char | cell | string


  • Starting in R2016b, the join function is recommended to join elements of a string array.

Extended Capabilities

C/C++ Code Generation
Generate C and C++ code using MATLAB® Coder.

Usage notes and limitations:

  • Input text must be a string scalar or a cell array of character vectors.

  • Generated code returns an empty output as a 1-by-0 character array.

Thread-Based Environment
Run code in the background using MATLAB® backgroundPool or accelerate code with Parallel Computing Toolbox ThreadPool.

This function fully supports thread-based environments. For more information, see Run MATLAB Functions in Thread-Based Environment.

See Also

strsplit | strcat | cellstr | regexp | join | split

Introduced in R2013a

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