chi omega là gì - Nghĩa của từ chi omega

chi omega có nghĩa là

A national sorority which holds high standards of its members. Sisters in Chi Omega are individuals and have a high level of respect for themselves and others. Sisters do, however, know how to have a hella good time, sober or otherwise.


"who's gonna be at the bar tonight?"
"i dunno, but jess said a bunch of her sisters were going out"
"nuff said, we're goin"

chi omega có nghĩa là

Alpha Chi Omega was founded in 1885 at DePauw University in Indiana as the first sorority in the school of music. Today Alpha Chi is still going strong with some of the most beautiful and succesful women you can find, and are known for helping the community. Beauty, brains, and a good reputation...what more could you ask for. Famous Alpha Chi's include Trista from ABC's the Bachlorette, Dawn Wells who played Mary Ann on Gilligan's Island, and my personal favorite, Condoleeza Rice. A lot of jealous people make rude comments, but we dont care because we know we're destined for success


I think the definition says it all :-]

chi omega có nghĩa là

If we weren't, we'd wish we were...


Today we salute you Miss. Chi Omega sister. Not only do you have the looks, brains, glamour and pearls, but most importantly the class to back it up. Sure, frat boys may talk to other ladies, but don't worry, their only dream is to date a Chi O. With your head held high and that sparkle in your eye, you are every guy's dream and every girl's envy. You can party like a professional with those pearls worn proud, yet still keep that frat-tastic class. If you're dating a Chi O lady, raise your hand. If you're not, raise your standards. So crack open an ice cold Miller Light you sexy Chi O's, and remember: There's only one thing to be... and that's a Chi Omega.

chi omega có nghĩa là

the best sorority at Virginia Tech and any other school for that matter!!! beautiful girls, high values, and knowing how to party!!!


non chi-o: hey, I heard the chi-0's are having a crush party, I wish i could go
other non chi-o: me too, those are some hot hooties!!

chi omega có nghĩa là

Sluttiest sorority on any college campus. Imagine any STD and they'll serve it right up!!!


Chi-O " I like the idea of men in skirts. Easy access."

chi omega có nghĩa là

Although not represented well on a few campuses, Alpha Chi Omega is made up of beautiful, classy girls on most. At Miami University in Ohio, as well as UGA, and other well known schools, AChiO is known to be the best. The haters might call them AChi"Ho" but that is only becuase they are jealous.


Oh...shes an Alpha Chi Omega...enough said.

chi omega có nghĩa là

Alpha Chi Omega is a sorority for girls who have it all. Beautiful, smart, talented, wealthy, good-hearted, and thoughtful, an Alpha Chi girl is one who will impress you at every turn. Whether she's tutoring your dumb ass in differential equations, making you sweat on the dance floor, or drinking you under the table every Thursday, Friday, and Saturday night, she's doing it all with style, beauty, and class. Girls, if you don't think you can handle all that...don't worry, we probably don't think you can either. But we're sure you'll enjoy your time as a sister of Sigma Lambda Upsilon Tau. Fellas, you can tappa Kappa, try Delt, and get Alpha Phi all for free, but when it comes time to marry, make sure you choose an Alpha Chi girl!


"Man, this morning, that Alpha Chi Omega who wouldn't hook up with me at Lamba Chi Alpha and who was doing kegstands 'til 4 in the morning was STILL answering all the questions in my 8AM section!"

Here's to KKG, with their littled broken key
What the damn thing opens is a mystery to me.
Here's to KAT with their little busted kite
I wish to God the wind would blow it outta my sight!
Anchors to DG, throw 'em in the sea,
And I don't give a damn about the horny Alpha Phis!
I could wear the broken arrow of Pi Beta Phi,
but the only one for me is the lyre of Alpha Chi!
Don't rush the others...

chi omega có nghĩa là

The All-Around girl. From what I have seen they are diverse in their members. Alpha Chi's seem to be the only sorority girls that you could actually bring home to mom. They have girls who like to party and girls who don't, girls that have 4.0's, Miss America's, and just your typical girl next door. If I were to say, from my experiences with sororities, Alpha Chi Omega's have the most genuine class, character and easy going demeanor.


"Who's that girl over there?"
"She's an Alpha Chi Omega."
"That's the girl I am going to marry one day..."

chi omega có nghĩa là

A trashy sorority full of ditzes and sluts. Often referred to as Chi O they never do anything on campus that isn't required of them, they are lazy and dumb.


Chi Omega theme song: Chi Ho, Chi Ho, It's off to bed we go, With a Delta Chi between our thighs, Chi Ho, Chi Ho, Chi Ho, Chi Ho.

chi omega có nghĩa là

This sorority is falling from their top position. They are rude, racist and definitely not classy. It's time the sorority had a good hard look at their latest actions and reevaluated what they are sharing with the world. This is one sorority that has ruined the national image of a true sorority sister.


Chi omega threw a mixer last night. They dressed up as Native Americans and pretended they were in a western.

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