Check ArrayList Empty Java

Java ArrayList isEmpty[]

The Java ArrayList isEmpty[] method checks if the arraylist is empty.

The syntax of the isEmpty[] method is:


Here, arraylist is an object of the ArrayList class.

isEmpty[] Parameters

The isEmpty[] method does not take any parameters.

isEmpty[] Return Value

  • returns true if the arraylist does not contain any elements
  • returns false if the arraylist contains some elements

Example: Check if ArrayList is Empty

import java.util.ArrayList; class Main { public static void main[String[] args] { // create an ArrayList ArrayList languages = new ArrayList[]; System.out.println["Newly Created ArrayList: " + languages]; // checks if the ArrayList has any element boolean result = languages.isEmpty[]; // true System.out.println["Is the ArrayList empty? " + result]; // add some elements to the ArrayList languages.add["Python"]; languages.add["Java"]; System.out.println["Updated ArrayList: " + languages]; // checks if the ArrayList is empty result = languages.isEmpty[]; // false System.out.println["Is the ArrayList empty? " + result]; } }


Newly Created ArrayList: [] Is the ArrayList empty? true Updated ArrayList: [Python, Java] Is the ArrayList empty? false

In the above example, we have created a arraylist named languages. Here, we have used the isEmpty[] method to check whether the arraylist contains any elements or not.

Initially, the newly created arraylist does not contain any element. Hence, isEmpty[] returns true. However, after adding some elements [Python, Java], the method returns false.

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