Character wise là gì

Would you mind letting me know a more understandable explanation of the compound word of the thread?  Thank you.

Here you are a little of context:

.... we have lots of things in common - I'd say that's vital - things we like doing together. Not that we're too alike character-wise.
 Check the dictionary:

  • 1 forming adjectives and adverbs of manner or respect such as clockwise. Compare with -ways.
  • 2 informal with respect to: price-wise.

  • Click to expand... Does that help? [If "price-wise" means "with respect to price[s]," then "character-wise" means...]
lucas-sp said:   Check the dictionary:
Does that help? [If "price-wise" means "with respect to price[s]," then "character-wise" means...] Click to expand...
Thank you lucas. I think it's clear now. I've rephrased the text as follows:

.... we have lots of things in common - I'd say that's vital - things we like doing together. Not that we're too alike as for character [as regards character].

Hi kites,
It sounds OK.
I would say, Not that we're too alike as far as character is concerned.
Or, Not that we're too alike in character.  [It just seems that with just the preposition there's not enough meat here]
Just my opinion

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