calling card là gì - Nghĩa của từ calling card

calling card có nghĩa là

After making a large bowel movement [without flushing], the person responsible inserts their business card in the pile, so as to inform others of his creation.

Ví dụ

I took a massive crap and simply had to leave the calling card...

Tom lifted the seat cover and found a huge log. It was clearly Jordan's, for he left his calling card...

calling card có nghĩa là

a way of getting to someone through someone else.

an "in"
could be to do with an 'inside man'

Ví dụ

I took a massive crap and simply had to leave the calling card...

calling card có nghĩa là

A friendly gesture between two heterosexual men, where one inserts a finger into the other's anus as a means of greeting.

Ví dụ

I took a massive crap and simply had to leave the calling card...

Tom lifted the seat cover and found a huge log. It was clearly Jordan's, for he left his calling card... a way of getting to someone through someone else.

calling card có nghĩa là

an "in"

Ví dụ

I took a massive crap and simply had to leave the calling card...

calling card có nghĩa là

Tom lifted the seat cover and found a huge log. It was clearly Jordan's, for he left his calling card...

Ví dụ

a way of getting to someone through someone else.

calling card có nghĩa là

A way of leaving a sign that someone was in a certain place by expelling a flatulent odor from one's body.

Ví dụ

an "in"
could be to do with an 'inside man' "Tell the pin I want words, Brad is my calling card."

calling card có nghĩa là

A friendly gesture between two heterosexual men, where one inserts a finger into the other's anus as a means of greeting.

Ví dụ

1] Vincenzo Capozzoli always leaves a gentleman's calling-card.

calling card có nghĩa là

Where a woman writes on one of her panties with a marker her phone number and a note saying that they would like to meet any man that finds them ect. and then place them where they think some man will find them.

Ví dụ

2] I expressed our fraternity through the means of a gentleman's calling-card.

calling card có nghĩa là

After making a large bowel movement [without flushing], the person responsible inserts their business card in the pile, so as to inform others of his creation.

Ví dụ

3] Gads, that young whipper-snapper just left me a gentleman's calling card, what a cad, what a bounder! A calling card is a premise for contacting someone with the intention of asking for a date. Usually, you have fallen out of contact with the person you are contacting. "Dude, your sister's getting married. That's a great calling card."

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