atheisms là gì - Nghĩa của từ atheisms

atheisms có nghĩa là

Atheism is simply the opposite of theism. The prefix A means "without" or "not", so Atheism is simply a lack of belief in god[s]. It is not a religion, just like theism is not a religion. Atheists are usually quite fond of life, since it is the only one we have.Theists if you think about it, need a god to make their existance make sense and to make them respect life.


That dog is an atheist. A new-born baby is an atheist. Most of the smartest people in the world are atheists. Coincidence?

atheisms có nghĩa là

Atheism, in fact, has NOTHING to do with Satanism. We do not all hate Christians. We're not all evil.

Besides, just by being intolerant and judgemental of Atheists, you are sinning. :]


" 'To be godless is probably the first step towards innocence,' he said, 'to lose the sense of sin and subordination, the false grief for things supposed to be lost.'
'So by innocence you mean not an absense of experience, but an absense of illusions.'
'An absense of need for illusions,' he said. 'A love of and respect for what is right before your eyes.' "
-Anne Rice, The Vampire Lestat.

atheisms có nghĩa là

There are two kinds of atheism: strong [positive] atheism and weak [negative] atheism. The difference between these two is basically that a weak atheist doesn't believe in God, while a strong atheist believes in no God.

Weak atheism is essentially the same as agnosticism. It states that since we have no proof of a God, we cannot know for sure that one exists. Strong atheism states that since we live in a scientific world where the existence of things is determined solely by their observability, we cannot assume anything unobservable to exist. God isn’t observable, therefore he doesn’t exist [cf. Occam’s Razor]. This doesn't mean that an atheist wouldn't WANT to believe in God, it merely means that he has no REASON to believe in it/him.

Strong atheists often question the special treatment weak atheists – and theists – give to religion. If they believe that the tooth fairy or Santa Claus do not exist, why are they willing to give God a benefit of the doubt?

Strong atheism is often equated with religion since it takes a strong stance on the issue. This is, however, fallacious. Religion is not based on rationality, and strong atheists value rationality over fantasy. Therefore atheism is not parallel with religion.


I do not follow atheism. I merely concur with it.

atheisms có nghĩa là

- Free on Sunday!
- Get to focus on the now.
- No guilt!
- Can claim full responsibility for life's achievments.
- No afterlife. :[
- Must take responsibility for life's failures. Dang!


Dang, it was a tough choice. I mean, I like the idea of the afterlife. But I really wanted to free up my Sunday's, so I chose atheism. And, the best part is, I still get presents on Christmas! Yeah, beeyatch, atheism is the shiznit!

atheisms có nghĩa là

A lack of beleif in God.


"I am an atheist because I do not beleive any gods exist. That's all that makes me an atheist."

atheisms có nghĩa là

The lack of belief in a deity or deities. Just that. Nothing else. Atheism doesn't hold any answers to life's big questions. It won't tell you the meaning of life and it won't tell you how it all started. It's not a religion, not a philosophy, not a way of life. Atheism is quite simply *non-belief*.


#1: "I heard you're an atheist and don't believe in God, #2. If that's true then how did the universe begin?"
#2: "I don't know for sure. The leading scientific theory right now is the Big Bang theory, but that has a few problems and might not be correct."
#1: "If there's no God then where do we know right from wrong from?"
#2: "Again, I don't know for sure, but the general theory is that we evolved this feature because social creatures do better if unit cohesion isn't hindered by constant murdering." Atheism isn't about answers. It's not really about anything, actually.

atheisms có nghĩa là

A non-prophet organisation


I can't believe Atheism doesn't make any prophets off of us.

atheisms có nghĩa là

Absence of belief in god[s].


Atheism is absence of belief in god[s]. It is not necessarily belief that no god[s] exist. Just as asexual is absence of sex in reproduction, not opposition to sex or asymmetrical is absence of symmetry, not opposition to symmetry. Atheism is simple absence of theism. Frequently people confuse the theism vs atheism question with the gnostic vs agnostic question. The word gnostic means pertaining to knowledge. It is a question about whether a person is certain or "knows". Everybody is either theist or atheist and everybody is either gnostic or agnostic. There are agnostic theists. They believe god[s] exist, but don't claim to know for sure personally. There are gnostic theists. They believe and claim to know for sure that god[s] exist. There are agnostic atheists. They do not believe in god[s], but do not claim to know with certainty that no god exists. There are also gnostic atheists who claim to know that no god exists. It possible and quite common among atheists to not have been convinced of the hypothesis that god[s] exist without taking the position that no god exists.

atheisms có nghĩa là

The idea that there is no god. That's it.
Distance yourself from r/Atheism and the stereotype all atheists are whiny intolerant assholes who poke fun at innocent theists. Yes, there are some atheists that act like that, but the average atheist [think next door neighbour] is not like that.
Atheism is often associated with Nihilism. In some ways they are very similar, such as the rejection of religion. But there are other philosophical paths that do not involve religion, just as good as each other.


Atheism rejects the idea that there is an afterlife after we die.

atheisms có nghĩa là

The belief that in the beginning there was nothing, and nothing was something, and nothing created something.


Guy 1: Hey, space, time and matter had a beginning, even Stephen Hawking admitted this, so whatever created space, time and matter must be spaceless, timeless and immaterial. Also intelligent and personal, because only persons can make choices, intelligent choices for that matter. If one imperceptible variable had been different at the beginning, the Universe would have never developed or it would have collapsed, yet here it is, perfectly designed to host life.
Guy 2: No, we just live in one Universe out of many, that's why it seems perfectly designed, they were all created by the multiverse generator, which was created by the generator of multiverse generators.
Guy 1: And all the way back to infinity, right? Science can't step out of its boundaries to discover the beginning of the Universe because it is limited by the laws of nature. By the way, are you aware of the extreme extra-biblical historical evidence that confirms the legitimacy of the New Testament and the resurrection of Jesus? You should read some William Lane Craig and John Lennox to get a better insight. Guy 2: HAHA ATHEISM SMART JESUS NOT REAL SKY DADDY FAIRY TALE IF GOD EXISTS WHY BAD THINGS I JUST WANT TO JERK OFF AND BE HAPPY ABOUT IT Guy 1: Ok, good luck then, we all have a God-given free will to make our own choices, Jesus still loves you enough not to force you into His presence.

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